Practise for Tests in the Energy and Natural Resources Industry

If you are wondering what positions are available in the Energy Industry and whether it is worth working in this sector, JobTestPrep can give you exhaustive information that will help you decide if you want to apply for a job.  Below we discuss how the Energy Industry is constructed and what skills you need to possess to qualify for a position in energy companies. Along with the informational advice, we offer practical assistance with your upcoming pre-employment assessment. Our specifically designed PrepPack™ includes close simulations of the tests that you will encounter during your recruitment process. By practising with our tests, you will hone cognitive abilities and skills necessary for working in the sector and will rise above your competitors not only during the tests but also the interviews. Prepare with our resource and build a successful career in the most important industry in the infrastructure of every country.

What Is the Energy Industry?

The Energy Industry is not monolith. It consists of all industries that produce or sell energy. This includes the extraction of fuel, its manufacturing, refining, and distribution. Performing so many operations with fuel, the Energy Industry is considered the most important industry for our infrastructure, since we consume much more fuel than did people in other centuries. Among industries included into the Energy Industry are the following:

The Petroleum Industry – This industry consists of oil companies that pump oil, companies that refine it, those that transform fuel and, finally, sell it at gas stations;

The Gas Industry – This Industry comprises companies that extract natural gas, companies that manufacture coal gas, and companies distributing and selling both types of gas;

The Electrical Power Industry – It is comprised of companies generating electricity, distributing electric power, and selling electricity;

The Nuclear Power Industry – In this sector, people employ nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate heat. This heat is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant.

The Renewable Energy Industry – This industry is composed of companies specializing in alternative energy, an energy source alternative to fossil oil, and sustainable energy that is consumed at insignificant rates compared to its supply. Among these companies are those that deal with hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power, manufacturing and supplying alternative fuel;

The Traditional Energy Industry – This Industry collects and distributes firewood to poorer countries that use it for heating and cooking.   

How well the Energy Sector performs depends on the supply and demand for worldwide energy. Those companies that produce oil and gas have profits, when oil and gas prices climb. Companies refining oil make more money from the dropping cost of feedstock to produce gasoline, when oil prices slide. The Energy Industry is also highly dependent on political events that have always been able to bring oil prices up or pool them down. When the Federal Reserve, for example, hints that there might be an interest rate hike soon, oil prices jump. When countries belonging to OPEC announce that they will raise oil output, thus refusing to alleviate the oil oversupply in the world, oil prices sink.  

What Is Oil, Gas, and Consumable Fuels Industry?

Companies belonging to this industry have businesses dealing with oil, gas, and consumable fuels. This industry is divided into subcategories, among which are integrated oil and gas, oil and gas exploration, oil and gas refining and market, oil and gas storage and transportation, coal and consumable fuels.

What Are the Main Energy Companies in the United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom’s largest energy suppliers are called the Big Six. These companies supply gas and electricity and are listed below:

British Gas – It is the biggest energy and home services provider in the United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of Centrica and serves around 12 million homes. Its products include boilers and central heating, plumbing and drains, renewable energy, and home appliances services.

EDF Energy – This is an integrated energy company specializing in the sale of gas and electricity to homes and businesses throughout the whole country. Its paternal company is Électricité de France. The company’s revenue has recently reached £8.030 million.

E.ON – This is an energy company and a subsidiary of the German company E. ON, which is the largest investor-owned company in the world. Founded in 1989, this company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and a former constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. The company specializes in electrical generation, electricity distribution, and electricity and gas supply markets. Now it also conducts retail business and supports its clients. Its revenue is £9.22 billion.

Npower – This company generates electricity and supplies gas and electricity to homes and businesses. Called in the past Innogy plc, it was listed on the FTSE 100 Index. In 2002, the company was purchased by RWE of Germany and renamed. Npower supplies gas and electricity to homes and businesses. It also repairs boilers and central heating systems.

ScottishPower – Headquartered in Glasgow, it is an energy company, former constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. Since 2006, it is a subsidiary of the Spanish Iberdrola. The company distributes energy to the south of Scotland and North Wales. It also supplies gas to residential and business customers and generates power for the grid. Its revenue is £5.446.1 million.

SSE plc – It is a Scottish energy company headquartered in Perth. It is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index and listed on the London stock Exchange. Operating in the UK and Ireland, the company generates and supplies electricity and gas. It also provides such services as gas storage, exploration and production, metering, and contracting. The company’s revenue is £29.037.9 million.

The Big Six companies hold a combined market share of 81% for electricity supply and 80% for gas supply in the United Kingdom.

Explore Further Energy Employers

Follow the links in the table below to learn more about the application and selection process of some well-known energy firms. 

What Job Opportunities Are Available in the Energy Sector?

The Energy Sector employs millions of people and adds around 250,000 new jobs every year. Renewable Energy and Efficiency Sectors are one of the areas within the Industry that provide rewarding job opportunities. Below are several jobs which you can take up in the Energy Sector:

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Engineer

Needless to say, vehicles that run on electricity, hydrogen, and natural gas, are becoming increasingly popular. More and more such vehicles are seen on the streets in Europe and the United States. New exciting job opportunities are, therefore, opening up in the Energy Industry at present. Clean Car Engineers are particularly on demand now.  Their work consists of three activities:

  • Design;
  • Research and Development;

The duties that Clean Car Engineers are expected to perform are as follows:

  • Developing new test procedures;
  • Developing and marketing new products;
  • Anticipating vehicle or component behavior in different conditions wit computer modelling software;
  • Analyzing technical data and preparing reports about new findings;
  • Operating in teams from different departments to design experiments;
  • Testing the validity of new technology.

Sustainable Builder

Many jobs dealing with energy efficiency are available in the Construction Industry. Construction companies improve energy efficiency and, therefore, have plenty of job opportunities. People have understood the value of building houses and buildings that are environmentally sustainable. To erect environmentally sustainable buildings requires expertise in various areas of design and construction starting from architects and engineers and finishing with heavy equipment operators and carpenters.

Wind Turbine Technician

This is the fastest growing occupation in the world. Analysts predict that the employment for this role will grow more than a 100 percent by 2024.  Wind Turbine Technicians inspect wind turbines to ensure that they are in good working order. To do this, engineers climb turbines and inspect all its parts. When they find problems with turbines, they make a note about the damage and schedule the time to repair it. Another responsibility of the Wind Turbine Technician is to supervise the wind farm’s storage, making sure that it has proper parts necessary to repair damaged turbine. If a required part is not in stock, technician should order it. Included in routine maintenance of wind turbines are replacing of components, repairing of hydraulic systems, and changing of fluids.

What Other Jobs Can We Help You Prepare For?

JobtTestPrep's study materials can help you prepare for these popular positions, and more:

Popular Positions
Graduate HR Internship
Engineer Commercial Manager
Sales Apprentice/Traineeship Senior Manager
Trader Technician Maintenance

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JobTestPrep offers study materials for the following tests:

JobTestPrep has modeled its tests on official tests administered to job candidates vying for positions in the Energy Sector. With our accurate test simulations, you will not only get familiar with the tests’ formats but will also prepare well for your upcoming examination. To facilitate your learning process, we have also included in our well-designed PrepPack™ study guides and score reports. With their help, you will track your progress, while you are studying, and will understand what your weak points are. Once you know what you do not know, you will be able to redouble your efforts and eliminate your weaknesses, thereby coming to your testing fully prepared. Knowing that employers form their opinion about job candidates not only based on their test scores but also on the impression they create during interviews, we have added to our materials interview kit containing answers to the most frequently asked interview questions and tips on how to behave, while you are talking with recruiters. Purchase our exclusive resources and begin to build a remarkable career in the Energy Industry.