Prepare for the National Grid Application and Assessment Centre

Are you applying for one of the National Grid jobs? Read on to know what you can expect in the recruitment process and how best to prepare for the National Grid application, situational judgment tests, interviews, and assessment centre.

  • National Grid assessment centre tips and tools
  • Practice tests to boost your performance

JobTestPrep's National Grid PrepPacks

National Grid careers can be a great starting point for all types of positions. Although the National Grid application process can be intimidating at times, with the right preparation you can be confident in your abilities. Start preparing and practising with JobTestPrep's various resources to succeed at the National Grid hiring process.

National Grid Online Application

The first stage in the National Grid hiring process is filling out an application form that is divided into three sections, with the first section asking for your basic details and academic history. The second section is motivational and skill questions. This takes a bit of time to fill out and you need to think about your answers beforehand. Some examples of questions are why do you want to work for National Grid and why are you interested in the field you have chosen.

National Grid Situational Judgment Test

The third section is comprised of a Situational Judgment Test (SJT). In this test, you are given a work-related situation and given four answers to choose from. Some examples of situations are what to do if someone is critical about your work or what the best course of action is if your team is late for a project deadline. Find the best way to handle the SJT with our SJT practice tests.

National Grid Tests

The National Grid tests are typically provided by CEB SHL. They include numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning assessments. All of these focus on competencies that are necessary for your desired National Grid job. Even if you are confident in your abilities, it is important that you practise as these tests have a strict time-limit. Practising with our National Grid-style practice tests removes the element of surprise and you can complete your assessments with ease.


National Grid Interview

Following a successful application, you will be invited to a National Grid interview. This interview can take place either over the phone or by pre-recorded video. The interview focuses on the competencies and capabilities and is comprised of three short questions, lasting between 15-20 minutes. There are four specific National Grid competencies they look for which they will test you on in the interview:

  • Respect others and value their diversity
  • Take ownership of driving performance
  • Demonstrate integrity and openness in all relationships
  • Work as one team, one National Grid

Before your interview, think about an example when you exemplified each of these competencies and how you want to share this in your interview. A useful way to structure your answers is by using the STAR method. It always helps to be prepared so help yourself out by using our interview preparation resources.

National Grid Assessment Centre

If your interview is successful, you will be invited to the final stage of the recruitment process at the National Grid Assessment Centre, held at the Warwick Conference Centre. This is a two-day assessment, with the first day including a welcome presentation and chance to get to know the other applicants. Graduate candidates receive 90 minutes of preparation for a presentation they will give on the second day. The second day includes a presentation, group exercise and an interview. It is important at all times to express a passion for energy and the role you are applying for.

Competency-Based Interview

The interview focuses on two subjects: your competencies and your knowledge about the company. If you are applying for a technical role, expect questions on your technical competencies as well. Before your interview, make sure to research the company, know how National Grid works, who regulates the market and what challenges the company faces now and may face in the future. Build your confidence to ace this interview with our competency-based interview preparation.

Group Exercise

In the group exercise, you are put into small groups and given a task to complete as a team. You are given a packet of information to read through and analyse in order to complete the task. Prepare yourself for surprises throughout as the assessors may change the information you have been given. Remember that you are being assessed on your problem-solving skills and how you work as part of a team. This is a good indicator of how you could fit into the National Grid work environment. Practice your teamwork skills with our group exercise preparation pack. 


In the individual presentation, you are first given a case study to read and review for 90 minutes. During that time you must also plan out a 10-minute presentation you will be giving to the assessors. The case study is related to the field you are applying for so you should be familiar with the material. Graduates can begin their preparation a day ahead while industrial placement and internship candidates must prepare the day of. This exercise examines your analysis and problem-solving skills as well as how well you present and express yourself. Give yourself a boost by practising with our case study and presentation preparation resources.

About National Grid

National Grid PLC is a multinational gas and electricity company. It is headquartered in London with operations mainly in the UK and the US. National Grid has a wide range of student and graduate programs as well as industrial placement and internship positions in the company’s various departments. However, with thousands of applicants for less than 100 positions, competition can be tough. The best way to make yourself stand out from the crowd in the application process to give yourself lots of preparation. The National Grid application process is outlined below.