Korn Ferry Assessment 2024: Examples & Prep for Any Test

If you're about the take one of the Korn Ferry / Talent Q tests, you probably know that they are known for being tricky and difficult - their personality and leadership tests are known for being very complex and confusing, and their cognitive tests require a lot of practising and preparation.

To ensure you are prepared for any Korn Ferry assessment ahead of you, we have developed a Korn Ferry PrepPack, which includes practice tests, answer explanations, and detailed score reports. Our PrepPack will help you to identify the areas you need to focus on for the assessment and to ensure you will be fully prepared and confident. Our PrepPack includes:

  • Korn Ferry Leadership Assessments Prep: Preparation guides & unique practice questions in the exact format of those you will be asked to solve the KFALP and the KF4D exams.
  • Korn Ferry/Talent Q Elements & Aspects Prep: Includes Study Guides, Practice Tests and Full Simulation of the different types of Talent Q Elements & Aspects: Numerical, Verbal and Logical. 

During the past 5 years, JobTestPrep prepared more than 3,000 candidates for their Korn Ferry Assessments! We constantly update our PrepPacks to provide the most accurate prep.

-Scroll down for more valuable info, expert tips and free Korn Ferry practice tests-

Korn Ferry/Talent-Q Tests
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All-Inclusive Korn Ferry Test Prep with Full Explanations and Guides:

Talent Q Elements & Aspects:

  • 10 Numerical Practice Tests
  • 5 Logical Practice Tests 
  • 10 Verbal Practice Tests
  • 40+ Extra Cognitive Aptitude Practice Tests & Study Guides

Korn Ferry Leadership Assessments:

  • 24+ KFALP & KF4D Tailored Practice Questions
  • Dedicated KF4D & KFALP Study Guides
  • 1 Full Personality Test
  • 30 Single-Trait Practice Drills
  • 8 Ravens Metrics Practice Tests 

Shir, Korn Ferry / Talent-Q Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is Korn Ferry Assessment?

Korn Ferry assessments are a set of exams designed to assess the suitability of candidates and employees for a specific role by evaluating their skills and characteristics. These tests are divided into two categories:

  1. Personality tests - assess an individual's traits, behaviours, objectives, and motivations. The Korn Ferry Personality tests include Leadership Potential Assessments (KFALP, KF4D,viaEDGE) and the Talent Q Dimensions personality test.

  2. Cognitive tests - assess an individual's cognitive abilities and their proficiency in numerical, verbal, and logical problem-solving. Korn Ferry cognitive ability tests are also known as Talent-Q Elements and Aspects tests.

In 2014 Korn Ferry acquired the assessment company Talent Q, and since then, all the tests that used to be provided by Talent Q are now provided by Korn Ferry. 

Keep reading below for more in-depth information about those 2 test categories and practice sample questions. You can also take a full Korn Ferry / Talent Q Practice Test.

Korn Ferry Cognitive Ability Tests

Korn Ferry cognitive ability tests, also known as Talent-Q tests, are online assessments designed to evaluate a wide range of cognitive abilities and personality traits relevant to job performance. Organisations widely use it to assess the potential of their employees and make informed talent management decisions.

The Talent Q assessments consist of a series of tests that measure abilities such as numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning, as well as personality traits such as motivation, adaptability, and leadership potential. These are usually given as a group of tests- either the Talent Q Elements Test (numerical, verbal, personality and logical reasoning tests) or the Talent Q Aspects Test (numerical, logical, personality and checking ability tests).

Here are some sample questions so you'll be able to see what it is all about-

Talent Q Numerical Reasoning Sample Questions

Employees per sector in the UK

korn ferry numerical test practice


elements numerical test korn ferry answers

Assume the tax rate applies to the entire salary.

1. In which sector did the number of employees increase the most from year 1 to year 2?






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Since the employment figures in the table are given in percentages, you must translate them into values in order to answer this question.
Please note that the annual number of employees differs from year to year.

Talent Q Logical Reasoning Sample Questions

Please identify the answer that completes the logical sequence matrix:





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In each row the right cell consists of a duplication of the right symbol from the middle cell and an addition of a new symbol between the two duplicate symbols.

The complete logic:
In each row, the symbols in the middle cell are a combination of the symbols from the left and right (i.e. outer) cells so that:

  • The left symbol in the middle cell is identical to the outer symbols in the left cell.
  • The right symbol in the middle cell is identical to the outer symbols in the right cell.
  • The middle symbol in all three cells is different from all the other symbols in the row.
talent q logical

Talent Q Verbal Sample Questions

Labour Crisis

A prolonged labour market recession is in the making, as long-term unemployment is on the rise, and many workers are becoming excluded from the labour market. The shift to austerity measures has further deteriorated conditions of labour markets in countries hit by the debt crisis. The depressed employment situation has been accompanied by growing job precariousness for those who have a job. The incidence of part-time work has risen significantly, as has that of temporary employment.

Given the significant slowdown in economic growth, job loss can increase severely as businesses decrease expenditure, thus leading to higher unemployment. At the same time, the crisis has resulted in the contraction of bank credit for small and medium-sized businesses and this, in turn, has reduced the growth in self-employment.

Measures that will increase employment and speed up economic growthshould be taken promptly. Given the impossibility of financing expenditures with deficits, one can realistically suggest budget-neutral increases in training programmes and subsidies to businesses. This must be coupled with government programmes to facilitate credit to small- and medium-sized businesses, financed with increases in taxes in other areas such as environmental or tourist taxes that will not distort the economy adversely.

Adapted from europa.eu


Which one of the following is NOT given as a cause of the labour market recession?






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The question asks us to identify five causes (or potential causes) of the recession and one that is not a cause. Let us go over the distracters and find the corresponding sections in the text that relate to them:

A.Given as a cause: ’the shift to austerity measures has further deteriorated labour market conditions’.
B.Given as a cause: ’job loss can increase severely as businesses tend to decrease expenditure’.
C.Given as a symptom: ’the depressed employment situation has been accompanied by… part-time work has risen significantly..’. In other words the proliferation of part-time jobs is a symptom of increased unemployment, not a cause of it.
D.Given as a cause: ’a prolonged labour market recessionis in the making as...many workers are becoming excluded from the labour market’.
E.Given as a result and a consequent cause: ’at the same time, the crisis has resulted in the contraction of bank credit for small and medium-sized businesses and in turn reduced the growth in self-employment,’ which in turn negatively effects the labour market.
F.Given as a cause: ’a prolonged labour market recession is in the making as long-term unemployment is on the rise’.

The only answer that is not a cause or a potential cause of the labour crisis is: answer C.

The Korn Ferry Assessment Online Preparation

Our experts have researched and perfected an online practice pack designed to mock the challenges you'll face in the Korn Ferry / Talent Q tests.

Realistic Simulations
Practice questions mirroring those you will face in the KFALP and the KF4D exams.

Ready for Every Scenario

Elaborated guides, written by assessment center experts.

Personalized for Your Best Score

Identify weak areas to focus your practice for the best score.

Available for only £49, you can ensure the high score you deserve and unlock your potential.

Backed By Over 2k+ Candidates

Korn Ferry Leadership Assessments

Korn Ferry offers a range of leadership assessments that measure a variety of skills and qualities, including emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and executive presence. These tests are designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's leadership strengths and areas for improvement.

Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential (KFALP)

The KFALP is a personality questionnaire that includes three main sections: a background section, drives, and work style and preferences. It is often used with an additional cognitive test called a Raven APM (advanced progressive matrices) section. You can answer Raven's Example Questions to gain an idea of what these look like.

Korn Ferry Four-Dimensional Assessment (KF4D)

The KF4D assesses candidates’ leadership and work-related behaviours, using various ranking formats (ranking lists, choosing cards, and answering individual statements). Questions require ranking your competencies, characteristics of past experiences and personal motivations. It is also called the “Korn Ferry Unsupervised Internet Test” or Korn Ferry UIT.

Korn Ferry Dimensions Test

The Korn Ferry Dimensions Questionnaire measures personality characteristics in three main domains: People and Relationships, Tasks and Projects, and Drives and Emotions. It is often administered with the Korn Ferry cognitive tests. This test has two versions: the long version has 40 questions that take about 25 minutes to complete, and the short version has 13 questions and takes about 8 minutes to complete.

Let's take a look at some sample questions from our PrepPack, which simulates the questions in the KFALP and KF4D tests:

Job Profile Question

kfalp kf4d
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Step 1 - Selection: Sort the cards above into one of the 3 categories based on your experience at your current or previous job roles.

In the Job Profile section, the first section is the most difficult to navigate since it is the first time you will be exposed to the tabs that describe the features you need to sort (In the real test, and in our PrepPack, there will be 30 and not 8). As such, it is recommended that you approach this section with concentration and focus and notice the following tips:  

  1. Read each tab carefully and attempt to characterise the value it refers to.
  2. When comparing similar statements, differentiate between personal, social, and professional skills and their importance to your position.
  3. Using the Korn Ferry guide, try matching the answers with the top values.
  4. At this stage, there is no instruction to keep an equal number of tabs between the categories, but it is recommended that you keep an even number of tabs between them.

Therefore, it is important to note that you are sorting into all categories and not just one, since you will have to balance the tabs between the categories in the next step of the test. \

Step 2 - Sorting & Balancing: Balance the columns so that each has an equal amount of cards.

An organisation's management qualities depend on its context, industry, and workplace. There are, however, a number of qualities that are generally regarded as essential for effective management from the cards below:

Influence: Having the ability to inspire and motivate your team toward the achievement of a common goal is one of the most critical skills a manager can possess.

Effective communication: The ability to communicate effectively between managers and their teams is essential for effectively conveying ideas, giving feedback, and providing guidance.

Assures accountability: Managers need to organise multiple tasks, deadlines, and priorities.

Step 3 - Ranking: Inside each category, reorder the cards by their rank, from the most to the least.

After you balance the tabs between the categories, you must rank them.

In this section, the ranking depends entirely on your past experiences, business experience, and who you are. Consequently, there are no unambiguous recommendations with regard to the rating of character traits within a category.

A major aim of this stage is to test your level of decisiveness, judgment, and observation of your character traits.

We recommend replacing 2-4 tabs within each category at this stage.

Job Analysis Question

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Statement 1:

On this scale, the recommended range is 7–9.
Scale Values:
Need for achievement: Motivation by work or activities that allow testing of skills and abilities against an external standard. High scorers appreciate working hard, judge achievement according to the goal, and strive to meet and exceed standards. Low scorers are not motivated externally and tend not to work energetically to exceed expectations.
Persistence: A tendency toward the passionate and steadfast pursuit of personally valued long-term or lifetime goals, despite obstacles, discouragement, or distraction. High scorers are seen to push through obstacles and not give up on complex tasks. Low scorers are more likely to pull back from barriers or lower expectations for their attainment.
The left option presents a person not used to accomplishing and meeting workplace goals and whose motivation and drive could be higher.
The correct option emphasises the value of persistence and the need for achievements central to their values.
Statement 2:
On this scale, the recommended range is 7–9.
Scale Values:
Composure: How people are prone to react in stressful situations. High scorers tend to be calm, poised, and take pressure well. Low scorers are often seen as anxious, unsettled, and reacting negatively to stressful situations.
Focus: Preference for organisation, procedure, and exactitude. High scorers demand structure and tend to be seen as systematic, detail-oriented, and in control. Low scorers dislike detail and design and may be perceived as spontaneous and disorganised.
The left option presents a person who is not used to working under time constraints and who usually performs tasks that do not have to meet a specific deadline.
The correct option emphasises working through stressful situations and paying attention to details central to their values.

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Job-seeking can be a long and frustrating process, often taking months and involving numerous pre-employment tests and interviews. To guide you through it, we offer a Premium Membership.

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How to Pass the Korn Ferry Assessment: 7 Tips to Help You Prepare

The Korn Ferry assessments are highly regarded for their ability to evaluate an individual's leadership potential and capability. To excel in these assessments, it's important to prepare adequately. Here are 7 tips to help you pass the Korn Ferry assessments with confidence:

  • Familiarity - Get familiar with the format and types of questions to expect.
  • Mindfulness - Enhance your emotional intelligence and self-awareness.
  • Analytical Thinking - Improve your strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Cognitive Skills - Practice your logical, verbal, mathematical, and interpersonal skills.
  • Introspection - Prepare responses to behavioural questions that highlight your leadership experience and qualities.
  • Relaxation and Preparation- Practice taking practice tests to build your test-taking skills and increase your comfort level and reduce your anxiety.
  • Sleep well - Stay relaxed and confident on the day of the test by getting enough sleep and doing light exercises to clear your mind.


Korn Ferry is a management consulting firm and part of Hay Group. Since 2014, Talent Q tests have been administered by Korn Ferry. If so, since the term Talent Q tests mainly refer to the cognitive aptitude tests provided by Korn Ferry, while the term Korn Ferry tests refers to their behavioural and leadership tests.

One of the reasons that Korn Ferry tests are popular as recruitment tools are that the tests are adaptive. This means that the tests will be challenging, but if the questions take too long to answer or if you get them wrong, an easier question will be presented next. If so, the answer to this question depends on your performance - the better you'll be, the harder the test will become. 

Usually, it takes 3-4 weeks to see the test's results. You should return or log in to your Korn Ferry Assessment Dashboard (homepage). Any outstanding assessments are listed in Section 2 of the Dashboard. If nothing is listed here, you have completed all assessments assigned for this assessment campaign. All completed assessments are listed in Section 3 of the Dashboard.

Many different companies across the spectrum of industries use Korn Ferry’s assessment tests as part of their recruitment process, such as:

The Korn Ferry Leadership assessments, personality tests and psychometric tests do not have a pass or fail mark. Instead, it is up to the individual employer to set the scoring criteria.


Other Korn Ferry Assessments and Information