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Avia, Finance and Accounting Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What Are the Big 4 Tests?

The Big 4 tests are different aptitude assessments taken as part of the recruitment process of each of the firms – EY, PwC, Deloitte, and KPMG. The Big 4 assessments aim to evaluate your cognitive skills, behavioural tendencies, and work-related preferences to ensure you have the necessary traits for the position you applied for and the organisation’s culture.

EY, Deloitte, and KPMG’s assessments include a series of Behavioural, Cognitive (numerical, verbal, logical), and Personality tests. Different from the rest, is the PwC test, which is a gamified assessment provided by Arctic Shores. Although not a straightforward psychometric test, it evaluates the same competencies as the other Big 4 tests.

Big 4 Tests Sample Questions

  • Numerical Reasoning

Numerical Reasoning tests assess your ability to grasp, analyse, interpret, and apply numerical information.

While the format of the questions can differ between the tests of each organisation, you will usually be presented with numerical information through word problems, tables, charts, and graphs. You will be asked to perform calculations based on this data.

✻  Let’s take a look at an EY numerical reasoning question –

EY Numerical Test Practice Question 3

You are analysing the online and store sales in the last calendar year, divided to quarters. All sales are made either online or in stores.

Quarter 3 had double the total sales of quarter 1. In percentages, how many more online sales were made in quarter 3 compared to quarter 1?

A. 121.42%
B. 10.71%
C. 110.71%
D. 221.42%
E. 57.14%
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer

The chart shows the percentages of online and brick-and-mortar sales out of the total sales. Notice that these two types of sales complete each other to 100%. The question refers to quarters 1 and 3, and their online sales. The data presented in the chart and in the question is:

• Quarter 1 online sales = 28% of the total sales
• Quarter 3 online sales = 31% of the total sales
• Quarter 3 had twice the total sales of quarter 1

To calculate how many more online sales were in quarter 3 compared to the online sales in quarter 1, you cannot directly compare the percentages shown in the chart as they are not the real sales numbers. Because you do not have the real sales numbers, you must use the ratio between the two quarters' total sales, which is 2:1.

The quickest way to make the calculation is to 'create' real sales numbers. Make the 100% in the chart a 100: If the total sales in quarter 1 were 100, then the total sales in quarter 3 were twice—200; the online sales in quarter 1 were 28% of a 100, which is 28; and the online sales in quarter 3 were 31% of 200, which is 62 (31/100 * 200 = 31 * 2 = 62).

Now you can calculate how many more online sales were made in quarter 3 compared to the online sales in quarter 1 (in percentages):



The correct answer is A: 121.42%

Tip: Before starting your calculations, closely examine the data given. Find the essential facts, connections, and patterns so you can make smart choices and avoid mistakes.

  • Verbal Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning tests assess your ability to understand, analyse and interpret written information.

There are many types of verbal reasoning questions, such as True/False/Cannot say, explicit multiple-choice, implicit multiple-choice, and meta multiple-choice.

✻  Let’s see an example of a verbal reasoning question from the Deloitte assessment –

Click to see each data source. After reviewing the available resources, scroll down to answer the question.

The Future of Banking

Social distancing due to Covid-19 caused changes in many industries, forcing them to speed up their digitalisation processes. Even though digital banking was already part of our lives, big enhancements had to be made in their process in order to adjust to this period.

A recent report on the accelerated digitalisation of banking asked Heads of Digital Banking (HDBs) about their experience in their role during Cobid-19. more specifically, they were asked about the most important features to focus on while digitalising a bank, according to their perspective.

Digitalisation Features

The focal point of each bank is different. some choose to develop better online customer support, while others choose to improve their mobile app with the latest UX trends. Banks were increasing the variety of online actions, like depositing checks of requesting a loan. In addition, the actions themselves became speedier; completing online transactions and transfers is now easier and quicker than in the past. This is made possible by recent improvements in cybersecurity, which significantly impacted digital banking.

Implementing Change

Each bank branch has an HDB who chooses the features and services they believe would make the digitalisation process smooth and efficient. As they know the country and clientele, it is their role to prioritise the reforms happening in their area. HDBs are responsible for the assimilation of new features for both the bank's employees and clients and it's not always easy, so they say.

While having its advantages, HDBs emphasise that moving to digital services is a process for both technology and people. Even with a technology boost, not all clients adjust to the change at the same pace.

The report reflects progress in banks that aligns with the world's direction toward digitalisation. We can only hope it will continue in the same way.

“While having its advantages, HDBs emphasise that moving to digital services is a process for both technology and people.“

Data Source 2
Data Source 3
Data Source 4
Data Source 5
Data Source 6

 Based on the data set, which of the following statements is true?

A. The slow adjustment to technology changes by some populations is a challenge for the HDB's position
B. Covid-19 has slowed down new features and services that many banks were about to present in 2020
C. The head of digital marketing (HDB) position is a new role that was created due to Covid-19
D. Worldwide, Intesa Sanpaolo has more clients than HSBC.
E. BNP Paribas has fewer clients than UniCredit in Europe.
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer

Answer (A) is correct. In Data Source 1, the writer explains that HDBs are responsible for the assimilation of digital changes for clients and employees. The HDBs state in the article that it is ‘not always easy’. Later, it says that not everyone adjusts to digital services at the same speed. Therefore, the correct answer is (A), as the adjustment speed is a challenge that HDBs have to overcome as part of their role.

Answer (B) is incorrect. In Data Source 1, the writer mentioned features and services that were built faster, and not slower. In addition, it did not mention the specific time frame for changes that were about to be made, as the answer suggests.

Answer (C) is incorrect because, in Data Source 1, there is no information about the history of the head of the digital banking role. While the article mentions some of the responsibilities of the position, there is no information about its history in banks.

Answers (D) and (E) are incorrect. According to Data Source 3, only 55% of HDBs answered the survey. Data Source 2 only includes data on branches whose HDBs responded to the survey. This means the number of clients mentioned in the data source does not necessarily match the actual number of clients in that bank. It might be that there are more clients in the bank branches whose HDBs did not answer the survey and therefore were not included in Data Source 2. In conclusion, you cannot infer from Data Source 2 the general number of clients, neither in Europe nor worldwide.

The correct answer is A

Tip: Avoid making assumptions beyond the text. All the information needed to answer each question is contained in the passages. Eliminate any answer that lacks support from the text.

  • Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning tests assess your ability to analyse data, recognize rules, draw conclusions, and solve problems. This can include abstract reasoning, deductive reasoning, and inductive reasoning.

✻  Let’s check out a Logical Reasoning sample question from our EY One Assessment PrePack –

Numbers 123
Letters ABC
Special items @#%&*
Symbols ¢£$¥
Arrows <^V
  • Can include up to 9 characters
  • Must include at least 1 symbol
  • Each special item can be used only once
  • Can include up to 2 numbers
  • Duplication counts as two different characters: (<<) counts as two arrows.

Which answer does not fit the rules given?

A. <^11BAA£<
B. 3<>£BC@#
C. @3BA<C$@<
D. @A#1B¢<>
E. <<>^^AB$
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer

Answer 3 is the correct answer as it doesn’t fit all the rules – a special item is used twice.

The correct answer is @3BA<C$@<

Tip: Pay attention to every rule you are given in the question; every condition can change the answer.

  • Situational Judgement Test

The Situational Judgement test, known as SJT, is a psychological tool used to evaluate your behavioural and cognitive capabilities in the workplace.

You will be presented with a work-related scenario and a list of possible reactions that you will need to choose, rank, or rate as most or least effective.

✻  Let’s view a KPMG SJT sample question –

Later today, Luci is meeting with Taylor to discuss Shifting Direction's possibilities for using the money raised from their fundraising event. Luci thinks Taylor should invest in online solutions to benefit the technological orientation of her clients. Luci is worried that bringing up Simone's approach (that adapting to new technology might be too hard for the clients) might deter Taylor from contemplating this choice. Luci inquired about your thoughts before the conversation.

What is your view on her question?

Please RANK the following responses from 1-5, with 1 being what you would most likely do and 5 being what you would least likely do:

  1. Tell Luci she must explain every possibility she has in full detail to Taylor. Luci should be honest and open with her client about the potential disadvantages of her own approach and present the opinions of other team members.
  2. You recommend that Luci share all sides of the situation with Taylor. It is better that she has all the information and decides based on that.
  3. You agree that the challenges Luci's approach might face are possible to overcome, and understanding the full picture will only confuse Taylor. It is better to share the information at a later time.
  4. You don't have a clear view on this issue, so you advise Luci to share her hesitations with Simone.
  5. Suggest you meet with Luci and Simone before the meeting with Taylor. That way, you can agree on an approach that describes what you offer as a team.
Answer & Explanation

The best ranking in this scenario is: A, B, E, D, C

The situation was designed to measure your integrity and communication skills. The centre of the question is to show transparency and high integrity levels in all communication – with customers and team members. You should also know how to communicate this message to your colleague

Tip: PLearn the organisation’s values and the traits needed in your position. In SJTs, there aren't definite right or wrong answers – some answers are just better. Pick the response that fits the situation and shows the behavioural tendencies required on the job.

  • Personality Test

Personality tests assess various aspects of your personality traits, characteristics, and behaviour, as they aim to provide insights into how you think, feel, and behave in different situations.

There are three main types of personality test questions – Most and Least, Likert scale, and Self-describes Statements.

✻  Let’s see an example of a personality test question from the Deloitte assessment –

Please indicate your natural preference for the following statement by choosing a number on the scale

Deloitte Online Immersive Assessment Sample Personality Question
Answer & Explanation

Deloitte's attitude is to adopt a wide perspective that unfolds new opinions that might be different from your own.

They emphasise the advantages and new opportunities that arise from taking in various feedback. Working with that wide perspective in mind can lead to actions that are not exactly aligned with what you had in mind. Some flexibility is necessary to be a good and collaborative team member.  

Therefore, the correct range to respond to such a question is 1-3.

Tip: In personality tests, it's important to present your "professional self." This means staying true to yourself while also aligning with the traits and qualities needed for the desired position. Although it might seem straightforward, the significance of this becomes clear as you practice personality tests.

Ace your assessment and outperform your competitors! With our PrepPack™, you'll access the most precise and current preparation resources, specifically designed for the Big 4 tests. Conquer all your evaluation tests using our provider-style questions, which include situational judgment tests (SJT), interactive simulations, and personality practice tests, all for three months at just £159!

Job Simulation

Job simulation is a general term that refers to a series of tests that mimic different aspects of the job you applied for.

These tests can encompass tasks and assignments that represent what you’ll be expected to do on the job.

Among the Big 4, two are using this type of simulation – EY and Deloitte.

• EY Job Simulation – This job simulation consists of a video interview, a Situational Judgment Test, personality profiling, and a virtual job tryout in which you will be asked to respond to an email from one of your colleagues or managers.

💡 Learn more about EY Job Simulation

• Deloitte Job Simulation – This job simulation consists of a video interview, written responses, cognitive evaluation, and a Situational Judgment Test.

💡 Learn more about Deloitte Job Simulation

JobTetPrep's Big 4 tests preparation is the exclusive online preparation course designed specifically for EY and Deloitte Job Simulations, with practice questions that mirror the content, format, and desired values and attitudes required in EY and Deloitte!

Big 4 Recruitment Process

Every firm of the Big 4 conducts its own multi-step recruiting process, which usually includes the following stages –

  1. Online application - You will need to submit an online application via the organisation’s site, typically including your CV, academic transcripts, and a cover letter.
  2. Online aptitude tests – You will be required to take a series of online aptitude tests, which may include verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, SJTs, personality tests, and a job simulation.
  3. Phone interview – If successful in the online aptitude tests, you will be invited to a phone interview with a recruiter from the firm.
  4. In-person interview – If successful in the phone interview, you will be invited to an in-person interview with a recruiter, a manager, or a partner from the firm.
  5. Assessment centre – Some Big 4 firms may also require you to participate in an assessment centre. This day-long event typically includes group exercises, presentations, and case studies.
  6. Offer – If successful in the entire recruitment process, you will be offered a job.
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