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Spring Week Online Tests – Sample Questions (With Solutions)

Numerical Reasoning Test

Since banking is a numbers game, the most popular test used by banks is the Numerical Reasoning. The emphasis would be the ability to read charts and tables and analyze the data quickly and efficiently.

Let’s see how a question in the test might look like:

Spring Week Numerical Sample Question

In 1990 the population of France was 56.5 million people. Since then, it has been growing at a 0.4% rate per year. Approximately how many more/less applications were submitted in France in 2012 than in 2010?






View Explanation

The correct answer is (D) - 384 less

Consider 1990 France-population as 100%. Therefore, an increase of 0.4% a year, makes the population in each year that follows 1990: 100% + 0.4% = 100.4% of its previous year's population. Expressing it in decimal to ease the calculations:
100% + 0.4% = 100/100 + 0.4/100 = 1 + 0.004 = 1.004

Start by calculating the population in 2010 and in 2012 according to the formula:
Pop. in year Y = Pop. in 1990 x (1 + annual percentage increase)No. of years passed since 1990
Population in 2010 = 56,500,000 X (1.004)20 = 61,195,953.22 ≈ 61,195,953
Population in 2012 = 56,500,000 X (1.004)22 = 61,686,499.98 ≈ 61,686,500

Next, calculate the number of applications submitted in 2010 and in 2012 according to the formula:
Applications submitted in year Y = Population in year Y x (No. of applications per million inhabitants / 1,000,000)
Applications submitted in 2010 = 61,195,953 x (241.89 / 1,000,000) = 14,802.7 ≈ 14,803
Applications submitted in 2012 = 61,686,500 x (233.74 / 1,000,000) = 14,418.6 ≈ 14,419

Finally, subtract the number of applications submitted in 2010 from the number of applications submitted in 2012:
14,419 ― 14,803 = ―384
Notice! The negative sign before the difference in the applications' number stands for 'less' applications in 2012 than 2010.
Thus, 384 less applications were submitted in France in 2012 than in 2010.

Note: These questions have a lot of data, not all of it is relevant to the answer. To answer quickly, you need to learn a technique that will help you sort out all the data and beat the clock. You can find this technique and many others in our full preparation pack.

Logical Reasoning Test

The most popular type of Logical Reasoning questions is the logical sequence. Again, this is designed to test your analytical skills and to see how you can cope with new details that you have never seen before.

Let’s see how a question like this might look like:

Spring Week Logical Sample Question


Find the answer that completes the logical sequence matrix correctly.

Spring Week Logical Sample Question

Were you able to complete the sequence?

The correct answer is the bottom-center alternative.

Columns: Each cell consists of three symbols, dictated by the following logic: when moving from one cell to the cell
below it, the symbols “move” one step to the left each time so that a new symbol appears from the
right and the left symbol disappears. The sequence is not continuous throughout the Matrix’s columns,
as each column is based on a different sequence of symbols.

Thus, in order to find the symbols in the missing cell, we need to “move” the symbols from the cell
above it one step to the left, resulting in ‘×’ and ‘☼’ becoming the left and middle symbols respectively.
Next, we need to work backwards and “move” the symbols from the cell below it one step to the right,
resulting in ‘≠’ becoming the right symbol. Therefore, the correct answer is #13.

Rows: None of the symbols appears more than once in the same row.

Note: Symbol questions like this have patterns that are used over and over again. The trick is to know how to identify the pattern quickly. For example, let’s look at the sample question. The fact that in each column there is a diagonal line of identical symbols (‘€’ in the left column and ‘∆’ in the right column) serves as a hint to indicate that this is a “movement of a sequence of symbols” question. Techniques like this are offered in our preparation pack.

Situational Judgment Test

This test is designed to evaluate your personality regarding the work environment. It seems there are no wrong or right answers, but actually – there are.

Let’s see it in an example:

You have recently started your internship in a global law firm headquartered in London. You have just finished writing a long and tedious report that is going to be delivered to your office manager. Martin, a more experienced and well-respected intern from your office, tells you that he thinks it is possible to improve your report by making some alterations in a few sections.

What would you do in this situation?
Rank TWO of the following options, one as the BEST and one as the WORST.

  1. Thank Martin politely for his suggestions but leave the report as it is since you trust your own judgement.
  2. Discuss the suggested changes with Martin and try to understand the reasoning behind each of them.
  3. Make some of the changes Martin has suggested but retain the core elements that you think work best.
  4. Make all the changes Martin offered, trusting his greater experience.

So, what do you think?

Primary competencies: Openness to criticism
Secondary competencies: Building and maintaining relationships; Independence, achievement striving
Best response: 2
Worst response: 1

Explanation: In this scenario, you deliberate on whether to rely on your own judgment of your work or to accept criticism from a colleague.
Let's consider each response individually:

Response #1: This response displays an inability to work in a team since you do not seem to trust your colleagues. You do not seem to handle criticism well or consider it a chance for possible improvement. Thus, this is a very negative response choice.

Response #2: Since you are willing to listen to Martin's criticism and learn from it, you display excellent abilities to work in a team and build positive relationships. In addition, you are modest and open to other ideas. This response will lead to a better report, which is in the company's interest, and you may learn something new and develop as a professional. This is a very positive choice.

Response #3: In this response you don't appear to try and understand Martin's criticism. Rather, you decide to implement some of the minor changes without touching the core elements. This response does not display a high level of team work and openness to criticism; however, it is not the worst choice.

Response #4: In this response you don't appear to try and understand Martin's criticism. Rather, you decide to implement all the changes he suggests without further consideration. This response does not display a high level of teamwork and independence, as you leave no room for your own point of view and rely solely on your colleague's opinion. Nevertheless, it is slightly better than response #1 because you display the ability to accept others' opinions and are open to criticism. This is not a negative response choice, but it isn't a positive one either.

Note: The hard thing with this type of questions is its weird structure. Marking two answers is not something you got used to in your school days. Practising makes you familiar with different types of questions. It will reduce the stress and help you perform much better.


How to Ace the Spring Week Tests and Get a High Score

As you have seen in the examples above, none of these tests present very hard questions.
The problem starts with the time limit.

You will have very little time to answer a lot of questions, and it can get very stressful. Imagine you have only 30 seconds to answer a numerical question. Or 50 seconds for a logical question. Not that easy anymore, is it?

The best way to ace the tests is to practise. Talk to your alumni, to your 2nd and 3rd year, they will tell you the same. I can’t stress enough how this is the safest way to get it right. Even if you over do it and the test will be easy, you will be glad you did it once you get invited for an interview.

Practise will make sure:

  • No Surprises – Familiarize yourself with all question types and reduce stress
  • Fast – Know how to answer very quickly and beat the time limit
  • All Banks – Know how to ace the tests for ALL the central banks

Ace the test & score higher than your competition!


Want more information about Spring Insight?
Let’s start from the top.

What Is Spring Week?

Spring Weeks are internship programmes offered to 1st-year students in a 3-year course, or 2nd year students in a 4-year course.

Note: If you are a 2nd year student in a 3-year course, you can also apply! Go to the FAQ section at the end of the guide to understand how.

Spring Insights are usually offered by all BB banks (Bulge Bracket banks), and some smaller or boutique banks as well. All programmes are taking place in London, while some offer additional programmes in locations like Glasgow or Frankfurt.

Depending on the bank, some internships are generalist, which means that you will go through different divisions, while others are divisional, which means you will spend your time only in one division.

During the programme you will get a chance to experience what it is to work in a big bank and network with industry people. You will be shadowing employees of the bank and see exactly what their day looks like. Exciting stuff!

What is Pymetrics Test?

Pymetrics test is a collection of 12 online pre-employment assessment games, measuring 91 cognitive, social, and behavioral traits in candidates.

Unlike “normal” psychometric tests, using a standard question-and-answer format, Pymetrics is using innocent-looking games. Yet innocent is probably the last thing you can say about these smart and elaborate games. While playing, a unique AI algorithm closely monitors your behavior, taking notes of every step you make.

Beating the Pymetrics algorithm is what this guide is all about.


What Does the Pymetrics Assessment Measure?

Pymetrics is looking at your behavior to measure your personality. It uses neuroscience games, based on well-known psychological experiments, to determine where you stand on a very wide range of traits – attention, risk tolerance, decision making, and many more.

Analyzing 91 traits, the Pymetrics algorithm assembles your personality profile. It is supposedly a bias-free system to assess candidates. Your behavior is what is being looked at, regardless of your background, gender, race, or what school you went to.

The measured personality, cognitive and behavioral traits, all fall in these 9 categories, as described in the Pymetrics assessment official page:

  • Attention
  • Decision Making
  • Effort
  • Emotion
  • Fairness
  • Focus
  • Generosity
  • Learning
  • Risk Tolerance

But what happens once your profile is done? How will your employer know if you are the right fit for the job?

How Does Pymetrics Test Work and How is it Scored?

Pymetrics Assessment is NOT being scored numerically like you’ve been accustomed to. Every employer that uses Pymetrics will first let their top-performing employees in each position play the same 12 games. Using their performance, a benchmark is being set for each position. A kind of fingerprint of the dream employee. This fingerprint is now set as the “right” score.

The logic behind this strategy is clear. A good salesperson has a totally different personality than a software engineer. In sales, you need to be outgoing, with good emotional intelligence, whereas in software maybe it’s best to be focused, with high attention to detail and low risk tolerance.

Every candidate’s personality profile is being compared to the benchmark profile of the specific position they apply for. The employer will get a full report for each candidate, with a recommendation as to the candidate’s compatibility with the position.

Are Pymetrics Games Hard?

The Pymetrics games are easy to operate, as they are simple games with simple instructions. The hard part is understanding how to behave in each game. You will face numerous decisions, every one of them will have an effect on your personality profile. Deciding what action to take is a difficult task, that requires you to understand what stands behind each game.

And even if you do know what the psychological logic behind each game is, how can you be sure what your employer is looking for exactly? How are candidates being rejected? On what basis?

This is not only hard but extremely frustrating. The first step is to know the games and what each test measures.

Pymetrics Games – the Complete 12 Games List

Balloon Game

In the Pymetrics Balloon game, your job is to pump balloons. Every pump will earn you money. At any point, you choose you can collect your earned money and move on to the next balloon. If you pump too much, the balloon will explode, and you will lose all money earned for this balloon.

Pymetrics Balloon Game

The trick here is that the balloons come in different colors, and every color behaves differently. During the game, you are expected to analyze the behavior of each color, and quickly recognize its explosion pattern.

Major traits being measured:

  • Risk Tolerance
  • Impulsivity
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Decision Making


Tip: The explosion point for each color is not set in stone, and it varies from balloon to balloon. Having said that, each color has its own probability of explosion.

While playing the game, pay close attention to the colors and make an educated guess as to when each is about to explode. Every explosion is a chance to learn more about the patterns and how to make a better decision in the next balloon.

Pymetrics balloon game practice

Want to practice the Balloon Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Tower Game

The Pymetrics Tower Game is a form of the well-known Hanoi Towers game. You will have three towers with different coloured disks stacked on them, and an example of how the towers should look like.

Your task is to reorganise the disks according to the example, in the least amount of moves possible.

Pymetrics Tower Games

Major traits being measured:

  • Planning

Tip: There are two factors recorded in the game – the number of moves you make, and the initial time it takes you to make the first move. Waiting a bit longer before making the first move shows that you can plan ahead and build a strategy, which is a great trait to emphasise.

Pymetrics tower game practice

Want to practice the Tower Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Money Exchange Game #1

In the Pymetrics Money Exchange game #1 (there is a second one, more on that in the next section) you are told that you are randomly assigned to work with another "participant".

The game starts with you earning 10$.

Then, you will have the option to transfer any amount you want to your fellow “participant”. The amount you transfer will triple once transferred.


Pymetrics Money Exchange Game

After you do that, your partner can decide what amount to give back to you. In the end, you have to rate how fair was your partner in this transaction.

Major traits being measured:

  • Trust
  • Risk Tolerance

Tip: Trust correlates to cooperation – if you tend to trust people around you, then you are more likely to get involved in tasks that require cooperation. Emphasizing trust could tell your employer that you are a good team player.

Pymetrics Money Exchange #1 game practice

Want to practice the Money Exchange #1 Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Money Exchange Game #2

The second Pymetrics Money Exchange game might look and feel similar to the first one, but it is actually quite different.

Again, you are told that you are paired with a random participant, and this time both you and your partner earn 5$. Then, only one of you will receive an extra 5$.

Now, you get the opportunity to give your partner some of your extra earned money and rate the fairness of that transaction.

Thinking of the first money exchange game, you might assume this game ends here, but that’s not the case.

You play a second round, and again both of you earn 5$, and only you get the extra 5$. This time, you will have to decide how much of that, if any, you transfer to your partner OR take from them.

Then, you rate the fairness of that transaction.

Pymetrics Money Exchange 2 Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Altruism

Tip: Unlike the first money exchange game, here you have full control over the amount of money you and your partner end up with. Keeping that in mind, you have to be consistent and stand behind your choice when you rank the fairness of the transaction.

Pymetrics Money Exchange #2 game practice

Want to practice the Money Exchange #2 Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Keypress Game

The Pymetrics Keypress game is really simple. Almost TOO simple. All you have to do here is press a key on your keyboard as many times as you can in a given time. That’s it.

Pymetrics Keypress Game

So, what’s the trick here?
This innocent-looking game is actually all about your ability to understand instructions.

You have to start pressing the key ONLY when you are asked to and stop exactly when you are asked to.

Major traits being measured:

  • Processing Instructions
  • Motor Functioning
  • Impulsivity

Tip: Be alert of the “GO!” message, as it will surprise you. Pressing the key too early might send a signal that you are impulsive.

Pymetrics Keypresses practice

Want to practice the Keypresses Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Hard or Easy Task Game

In this game you are faced with two choices – perform an easy task that you will most likely be able to complete or a hard one that will be harder to complete. For the easy task, you will get less money than you would for the hard task.

The trick here is that for each round you will have a different probability of earning that money. For example, this means that you can put a lot of effort into the hard task and end up with no money at all.

Pymetrics Hard or Easy Task Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Effort
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Motivation

Tip: In case that the winning probability is low AND the reward for the hard task is low, it makes sense to choose the easy task. This decision shows that you are able to think strategically and that you know where to put your effort.

Digits Memory Game

In the Pymetrics Digits game, you are asked to memorize as many digits as you can. The digits will flash quickly on your screen, and once finished you will have to recall and type them in the correct order.

In each round, the number of digits will increase by one, which will make it harder and harder to memorize as you progress.

Try out this simulation:


Pymetrics Digits Memory Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Memory

Tip: While the digits appear quickly on your screen, try to read them out loud. Your memory performs better when you are active and not passive.

Pymetrics digits game practice

Want to practice the Digits Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Stop Game

This game has one simple rule – press the Spacebar only when a red circle appears on your screen. What makes it hard is that you will see both red and green circles, and that they will flash quickly on your screen.

Get a feel of how hard it is with this simulation (with triangles instead of circles):

Pymetrics Stop Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Attention

Tip: Pay close attention when you see a sequence of red circles. Once the green circle appears, it will be much harder to inhibit your response. So, when you recognize a sequence, you need to be extra alert for that green circle.

Pymetrics stop game practice

Want to practice the Stop Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Arrows Game

In this Pymetrics Arrows game, you will see different sets of flashing arrows. For each set you will have to respond differently, following two rules:

  • If the arrows are blue or black, you have to indicate the direction of the middle arrow.
  • If the arrows are red, you have to indicate the direction of the side arrows.
Pymetrics Arrows Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Learning
  • Attention
  • Adaptivity

Tip: This game consists of 135 rounds and lasts 3 minutes. This is a very long game, and you have to be ready to keep your focus for a long period of time.

Pymetrics arrows game practice

Want to practice the Arrows Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Lengths Game

In each round, you will be presented with a drawing of a face with either a short mouth or a long mouth. For each round, you have to determine which is it and react accordingly.

This is a very hard game, as the lengths of the short and long mouths are very similar to one another. It is almost impossible to distinguish unless you look at both at once.

Try it out with this simulation where the length of the cat's mustache is what is being measured:

Pymetrics Lengths Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Learning
  • Attention to details
  • Motivation

Tip: In some cases, you will earn money for the correct answer. Don’t be fooled, this does not happen EVERY time you get it right. So, learning from your earnings is only a probability and not a rule.

Pymetrics lengths game practice

Want to practice the Lengths Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

Cards Game

In this game, you will have to draw cards out of four decks. For each draw, you will either earn money or lose money. Your goal is to reach the end of the game with as much money as possible.

Pymetrics Cards Game

Before drawing a card, you do not know whether you are about to win or lose. What seems random at first, will start to get clear when you progress in the game and recognize the patterns.

Major traits being measured:

  • Risk tolerance
  • Learning
  • Pattern Recognition

Tip: You are expected to pay attention to the patterns and act accordingly. Make sure you have a strategy for deciding which deck to draw from and avoid clicking on a random deck.

Faces Game

This is quite a different game from the rest, as it does not concern your cognitive abilities, but your emotional abilities.

You will be shown pictures of faces with different expressions. Some of the pictures are accompanied by a short text describing a situation. Your job is to determine what the person in the picture is feeling.

Pymetrics Faces Game

Major traits being measured:

  • Emotional intelligence

Tip: In some cases, the expression seems to describe a certain emotion while the text implies a totally different emotion.

When this happens pay extra attention and choose wisely.

Pymetrics Faces game practice

Want to practice the Faces Game?

If you want the Pymetrics Games practice bundle, get it now.

How Important are the Pymetrics Games?

The Pymetrics games are VERY important. People tend to underestimate them – it’s only a game, what’s the worst that could happen? Little do they know that companies reject a huge part of candidates solely on the basis of these games. This means that if you are not well prepared, you will not get the chance to impress on an interview.

Can You Redo Pymetrics?

You can only play the Pymetrics games once every 330 days – practically once a year. And more importantly, your scores are eligible for ALL companies you apply for. This shows how seriously you have to take these games. You only have one chance to get it right.

How Do You Do a Pymetrics Test?

The Pymetrics games are played online. You will get an email from your employer with a link to a sign-up page. After creating a user, you have to go to the Pymetrics login page, log in to the platform, and start playing the games. After completing the games, your employer will get a detailed report including a recommendation.

What Companies Use Pymetrics?

The biggest companies using Pymetrics are JP Morgan, Unilever, Mastercard, BCG, Accenture, and Blackstone.

The biggest use of Pymetrics is in the financial and consulting industries, where the competition is fierce. But we do see that more and more companies choose this as a solution to screen a large number of candidates efficiently.

Major Companies Using Pymetrics

JP Morgan ChaseThe biggest bank in the US, and 4th largest bank in the world. It is considered one of the top three banks to work for, and therefore one of the hardest firms to get into. It is based in New York, but employs around 250,000 employees worldwide, with a major base in London. It is also one of the only companies that use Pymetrics for all positions.
For more information please visit our dedicated Pymetrics JP Morgan page.

BCG - One of the big three consulting firms in the world. It is based in the US, but has more than 90 offices worldwide, with 22,000 employees. However, Pymetrics is used mostly for US-based positions. For more information please visit our dedicated Pymetrics BCG page.

Bain & Co - Another member of the big three consulting firms. It is famous for its great work culture and has been ranked the #1 place to work for a few years in a row. It is based in the US, and employs around 10,000 employees worldwide.

AstraZeneca - A major pharmaceutical company, that among other things was in the public eye for developing a COVID-19 vaccine. It is a British-Swedish company based in England that employs around 75,000 employees worldwide. The use of Pymetrics is mainly for the graduate programme and includes additional tests. For more information please visit our dedicated Pymetrics AstraZeneca page.

UPS - The United Parcel Service is the largest courier company in the world. It is based in the US, but employs almost 500,000 employees worldwide, with package handlers being the most popular position. As such, Pymetrics is primarily used to screen candidates for that position in the US. For more information please visit our dedicated UPS Pymetrics page.

Unilever - A British multinational consumer goods company, owns more than 400 brands and sells products in over 190 countries. The range of products is starched from foods and vitamins to beauty products and self-care. Pymetrics is used mainly to screen candidates for Asia locations.

JLL - A global commercial real estate company, considered to be one of the big three in that field. It is based in the UK but holds offices in over 80 countries. Pymetrics is used mainly for UK-based positions. For more information please visit our dedicated JLL Pymetrics page.

Blackstone - One of the more lucrative alternative investment firms out there. Many candidates prefer to go to a boutique firm like this one rather than get lost inside one of the big investment banks. In the alternative investment field, this is one of the better options.

Fidelity Investments - Another investment firm that is not one of the big banks. However, the Boston-based firm is still quite large with around 40,000 employees worldwide.

Accenture - This Irish consulting firm is one of the biggest and most important professional services companies in the world. It handles some of the biggest clients out there, and to do so it employs about 500,000 employees worldwide.

PwC - The second largest professional services company in the world, and a member of the lucrative "Big Four" accounting firms. It is extremely hard to be one of the 250,000 employees in this firm, and Pymetrics is used mainly to screen candidates for the Singapore locations.

Mastercard - One of the largest and most well-known financial services companies in the world. It is based in New York and employs around 20,000 employees worldwide.

Kraft Heinz - The 5th largest food and beverage company in the world. It is based in the US and employs almost 40,000 employees worldwide.

Rio Tinto - This Anglo-Australian company is the 2nd largest metals and mining corporation in the world. It is based in London and employs around 45,000 employees worldwide.

McDonald's - This very well-known American fast-food company has almost 40,000 restaurants in more than 119 countries. It is the world's 2nd largest employer with more than 1.9 million employees. Pymetrics is used to screen candidates for selected positions in certain locations.

Hyatt - An American hospitality company operating 1,175 hotels worldwide. It employs around 130,000 employees to operate a large number of hotels and resorts.

Diageo - The second largest beverage alcohol in the world. It is based in London but operates in more than 180 countries. It is also the largest producer of Scotch whisky in the world and employs around 30,000 employees worldwide.

Is Pymetrics Accurate?

The Pymetrics games are based on verified psychological experiments. They have been tested again and again, and the more they are played, the more accurate the algorithm gets. Be aware, the report you get after playing the games is NOT the same as the one your employer gets. Your employer has quite an accurate concept of your personality.

How Long is Pymetrics?

Around 25 minutes.

The Pymetrics test includes 12 games, each one takes around 2-3 minutes to complete. You can choose to take breaks between games, but if you choose not to – it takes about 25 minutes to complete.

How Do I Prepare for a Pymetrics Test?

  1. Understand each and every game, what stands behind it and what it measures.
  2. Research your employer and try to understand what qualities they are looking for in their employees, for your specific position.
  3. Make sure all your keyboard keys are working properly, especially the Spacebar.

Pymetrics Games Practice

  • the first and ONLY available full accurate practice for Pymetrics Games.
  • Train yourself with interactive games that EXACTLY simulate the real Pymetrics games.
  • Including extensive guides that will help you understand exactly how to approach all Pymetrics games.

What Is the SHL Test?

SHL is one of the largest providers of job applicant screening tests in the UK and worldwide. The tests conducted by SHL are perhaps the most important screening stages standing between you and your desired job.

Usually, you’d be asked to take the test on SHL On Demand, which is an online platform for delivery of SHL assessments.

The SHL Tests can be hard, but that’s on purpose. They assess your abilities compared to your competition and help employers significantly narrow down the pool of candidates.

Watch my short video below to get more insights, tips and essential info on the tests:


Now, you might be wondering:

What score is necessary to increase my chances to get hired? In the next section, I’m going to explain exactly that:

What Is a Good SHL Test Score?

The pass rate for most of SHL’s Tests is low when only around 20% of test-takers make the cut. Yep, that’s only 1 out 5.

An above-average SHL Test score will usually fall in the 80th percentile. In this case, your chance of being hired for the job is the same as another 10-20 candidates whose scores fall into your score range.

Your test results will usually be kept on file at the recruiting company. This means that applicants who received a low or average SHL score will have a reduced chance of being hired by the same company in the future.

Nonetheless, about 5% of the candidates get an outstanding score (in the 95th percentile).

Getting such a high score will tremendously increase your chances to get hired and may carry three major benefits:

  • The salary you will be offered
  • The possibility of being offered a higher-level position
  • The likelihood of being promoted in the future

How Do You Pass the SHL Test?

At JobTestPrep, we’ve already helped thousands of job candidates to prepare and pass their SHL assessments.

Here are 5 proven tips that work every time to pass the SHL Tests:

While the material of the SHL tests may include general topics like Maths and Reading Comprehension, the questions’ look, feel, and timing is unlike the standard tests you’re used to. Thus, it’s vital to practise with question types that are as similar as possible to the real thing.

You can find free sample questions on SHL’s official website. The Problem is, they cover only a small portion of the tested material and they don’t have the same time constraints as the actual test. Plus, remember the 95th percentile? It’d super hard to get there by practising only a bunch of sample questions.

Give enough time, you’d probably answer all the questions on SHL’s aptitude tests. But unfortunately, you’ll be taking the test on a strict time limit. Therefore, it’s important to learn shortcut techniques and tricks that can save you precious time during the test.

During practice, write down your most common mistakes and what you learned from them. In the long run, this will help you minimize your errors and boost your overall score.

Some candidates are unsure which SHL Test they’re going to take, as the invitation email from the hiring company is vague and doesn’t specify any details. If this is your situation, it would be best to stay on the safe side and prepare for the most common SHL assessments: Numerical, Verbal, Inductive, Deductive and Personality.

Get Accurate Practice and Pass With a High Score

To help you prepare and place yourself in the top 5% candidates for your desired job, our test experts created an All-Inclusive SHL Test Practice. It includes:

  • Hundreds of SHL-style practice questions (as similar as possible to the actual tests’ questions) covering the most common SHL aptitude and personality tests
  • Full-length & accurate SHL practice tests simulating the real testing experience
  • Step-by-step explanations, showing you the fastest ways to answer any question to save you precious seconds
  • Video tutorials and PDF study guides with foolproof SHL tips, inside information and expert hacks


Get the All-Inclusive SHL Test Practice [2021 Edition]

  • Verify G+ (General Ability Test) practice & exclusive guides
  • 7 SHL numerical test simulations
  • 7 SHL verbal test simulations
  • 11 SHL inductive test simulations
  • 2 SHL deductive test simulations
  • 5 SHL checking test simulations
  • Personality Test Practice & OPQ32 Guide
  • 16 study guides and video tutorials


As I’ve mentioned before, the SHL Tests consist of a wide variety of aptitude, psychometric and even behavioural assessments.

Below, I’ll elaborate on each of these test types (and give you some realistic sample questions), so you’ll know what to expect on test day.

SHL Psychometric and Aptitude Tests

These SHL Tests are designed to assess cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving and critical reasoning, as well as specific skills required for certain positions.


SHL Verify G+ Test

SHL Verify G+ Test is a later version of the SHL General Ability Test. It comprises of 30 items to be answered in 36 minutes. The questions are in three different topics: Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning.

While the SHL Verify G+ Ability Test is similar to the ordinary SHL Tests in substance, it differs from them in form. The two main new features it introduces are interactivity and multi-point scoring.

SHL Numerical Reasoning

On the SHL Numerical Reasoning Test, you will encounter maths equations in the form of tables and graphs similar to the one you previously solved. The test consist of 18 questions and typically lasts 17-25 minutes, depending on job level.

Frequently, questions will be centred around time change. Your task is to calculate, examine and interpret the changes presented in the question.

A few things to note:

1. Depending on the specific assessment, calculators may or may not be used. Be prepared for either scenario.

2. The number of questions and solving time for SHL numerical tests varies depending on your position.

3. SHL also administers tests geared specifically towards calculation abilities.

Visit our designated SHL Numerical Test page to get more free sample questions, dozens of accurate practice drills and expert tips.

SHL Verbal Reasoning Test

The SHL Verbal Reasoning Test presents questions based on passages of text. During the assessment, you will be asked to determine the validity of statements based upon each passage. The tests usually consist of 30 questions and typically last 17-19 minutes, depending on the job level.

These tests are commonly known as TFC (true/false/cannot say) tests.

  • A true statement follows logically from the information or opinions contained in the passage.
  • A false statement is logically false from the information or opinions contained in the passage.
  • Select cannot say if you cannot determine whether the statement is true or false based on the information given in the text.

Visit our SHL Verbal Reasoning page for a comprehensive study guide, tips, tricks and more question examples.

SHL Inductive Reasoning

In the SHL inductive test, also known as SHL Logical Reasoning Test, you are presented with a row of abstract figures. The test usually consists of 24 questions and typically lasts for 25 minutes.

You'll need to identify the underlying pattern of the sequence and choose the figure that comes next in the series from the possible answers. This type of question is commonly known as a next in series.

Visit our SHL Inductive Test page to get instant access to more free sample questions with full solutions and solving tips.

SHL Deductive Reasoning

Unlike verbal tests, where the required piece of data is typically hidden in a broader textual context, as deductive reasoning has its data up-front.

The challenge is to follow the logic and quickly draw the correct conclusion.

SHL Deductive Tests consist of 18 questions and typically lasts 10 minutes. They contain two types of questions:

  • Syllogisms: The word 'syllogism' ('conclusion' in Greek) can be found in the works of Greek philosophers, mainly Aristotle. Syllogism questions present you with a number of premises (taken as true). You are requested to decide which conclusions follow.
  • Seating Arrangements: Named after the mother-in-law’s favourite part of the wedding; this type of question presents you with a set of rules that must be followed in order to arrange a number of objects, people, etc. It is your job to decide the correct order following the listed rules.
To try some more sample questions and to get additional solving tips and hacks, visit our SHL Deductive Test Page.

SHL Calculation Test

The SHL Calculation Test is used to measure your basic numerical abilities using problems that contain missing variables. In order to find the value of these variables, the following is required:

  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
  • Manipulating equations
  • Using the correct order of operations (BODMAS rules)

The questions range from straightforward to quite difficult.

SHL Mechanical Reasoning Test

The Verify Mechanical Comprehension Test is an online, unsupervised aptitude test which SHL administers at the beginning of the assessment process along with other Verify tests.

If you are applying to mechanical or technical positions and are about to be assessed by SHL, odds are you will be required to sit this test.
On the test, you are required to interpret images depicting simple mechanical concepts such as levers, gears and pulleys.

The test involves 15 questions to be answered in 10 minutes.

SHL General Ability Test

The SHL General Ability Test is a cognitive assessment that covers multiple test areas at once, such as Numerical, Verbal, Inductive Reasoning and more.
The General Ability Test is mostly used to screen candidates applying for graduate-level positions or higher, and it takes 36-46 minutes to complete.

SHL Personality and Behavioural Tests

Behavioural tests focus on the personality traits and behaviours relevant for the job.

These examinations differ from cognitive ability tests as they try to evaluate your behaviour, work-related skills and personality traits together. Thus, we made it its own guide.

SHL Situational Judgement Test

SHL SJT's, or Situational Judgement Tests, measure your behaviour and compare it to the role you are applying for.

Thus, the test presents you with real situations you may encounter on the job, while offering viable multiple-choice options to handle each situation.

Your task is to choose what you would likely do if the opportunity presented itself.

A typical SJT has 12 to 25 scenarios either with no time limit or enough time allotted to read, contemplate and answer all questions comfortably.

Commonly used SJT question types:

  1. Choose two viable responses in the given situation
  2. Pick what you consider is the best response
  3. Rank all responses from most likely to least likely typically on a numerical scale

Try an SHL SJT sample question:

You run a staff of 20 people. You have made a conscious effort to establish good relationships between team members and have managed to build a cooperative team. The atmosphere is positive, and your team members seem to enjoy each other’s company, forming close connections. However, in the last couple of weeks, you have begun to feel that the atmosphere is 'too fun', as people take long breaks and procrastinate. You are happy that your employees enjoy coming to work, but you also want to make sure that work is actually being done. You want to establish some regulations regarding breaks in the workplace, including the number of authorized breaks per workday, the number of employees who can take a coffee break at the same time, and the need to request a break before taking it.

How should you implement these changes?

A) Gradually and sensitively make a comment to individual employees when they take breaks so that the new rules become habits.

B) Gather the team for a serious discussion on the current situation and introduce the new rules, explaining that things got out of hand and we need more discipline.

C) Send a memo that simply states the new regulations. There’s no need to turn this into something dramatic.

D) Assemble a meeting, explain that there has been some procrastination lately, introduce the regulations, and say that you wish to keep the good atmosphere while also maintaining productivity.

✔️ The best response is (D)

Primary Competency: Effective communication

Secondary Competency: Maintaining authority

In this question, you aim to set boundaries (by introducing changes) while also maintaining a good atmosphere and team motivation.

Response A aims to avoid conflict surrounding the changes you wish to implement, as well as to avoid offending anyone. However, it’s unlikely that so many changes will go 'unnoticed'.

Additionally, this response includes indirect, and ineffective, communication. Making individual comments to every employee could make each comment seem personal.

A serious discussion (response B) is a more direct method of communication. However, a dramatic discussion might seem reprimanding and thus discourage the team.

Sending a memo (response C) is, again, an indirect means of communication. The team is left without any explanation about the changes and without the opportunity to respond to them.

Response D includes an actual discussion, which comprises an explanation for the changes and an option for the team to respond.

In addition, you let the team know that you do appreciate the friendly atmosphere and hope that it remains.

Of the given options, this response best combines discipline and motivation.

Get instant access to the complete SHL Situational Judgement Tests practice pack - for Graduate and Management positions.

SHL Personality Test

The SHL Personality Tests are used to identify candidates most likely to succeed in a specific role. There are two primary SHL personality assessments:

SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (SHL OPQ32):

The OPQ32 test is comprised of a maximum of 104 questions which measure 32 specific personality characteristics. It is highly complex and is administered on a computer.
You’ll be presented with a block of four statements in which you must choose which of the statements best describes you and which of the statements least describes you.

Here’s an example of a statement:

Choose ONE statement that is Most and one that is Least like you:
• I really like to help others.
• I work best in teams.
• I want to get things exactly right.
• I sustain high levels of energy.

SHL Motivation Questionnaire (MQ):

Many global corporates, as well as local businesses in the UK, use SHL MQ Motivation Questionnaire. The MQ measures 18 factors that affect motivation, divided into four main areas. Some of these factors are activity, achievement, power, personal growth, status, financial benefits, recognition, fear of failure and more.$hrtag$

What are Some Other SHL Tests?

We also offer other SHL-style tests aside from the ones that are mentioned in detail:

Free SHL Sample Test

Get a feel for the real SHL Test with this sample test that includes some of the most typical SHL question types:

Question 1:

Share Sales and Dividend

SHL question 1


In the first half of the year, what was the total cost of buying 450 HPQ shares at their highest price and a fifth of this amount of DELL shares at their lowest price?





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Question 2:

Read the passage and answer the following question:

Companies wishing to increase their growth rate occasionally employed the method of franchising, which provides a new owner with a permit to use their business identity, and in return, they purchase products exclusively from the company. However, today, most companies aim to minimise the use of this method and often prefer the expansion of the companies' own branches. Companies that have used franchising have learnt the necessity of monitoring the business operation of the franchised branch. Inadequate attention to the monitoring of franchises on the part of the companies was typically the cause of sundry problems. Difficulties arose from franchisees and companies disagreeing on business policies such as customer care, service delivery efficiency and quality of human interaction.

 Thus, overseeing the company's franchises is required to minimise various difficulties.




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Question 3:

Which of the answers in the bottom row do you think comes next?

SHL Question 3





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Question 4:

  • Tim lives in a big apartment
  • Abby lives in a small apartment
  • There are no big apartments in Tinyville
  • Small apartments have one bedroom

Which statement must be true?





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Question 5:

SHL exam sample question


In which age range is the total number of entrances to social networking websites the second highest?






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Question 6:

In a restaurant's pantry there are seven kinds of fruits - Figs, Guavas, Honeydews, Kiwis, Mangos, Nectarines and Papayas. The restaurant's chef has to pick exactly four different kinds of fruits out of the seven to make a fruit salad. The selected fruits must meet the following conditions:

  • Papaya can be selected only if Kiwi is selected.
  • Fig can be selected only if Nectarine is selected.
  • Either Mango or Nectarine must be selected but not both.
  • Either Papaya or Honeydew must be selected but not both.

Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the fruits from which the salad is made up?






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Question 7:

A mobile company offers insurance that covers cases of theft and accidental water damage. According to their policy, the insurance pays 60% and 50%, respectively and with a £30 deductible. This means the client pays the first £30, after which the insurance pays 60% in the case of theft and 50% in the case of accidental water damage.

How much will a client pay if her cell phone worth £1,080 was accidentally dropped into a glass of water?






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How Many Questions Did You Get Right?

If you feel like you need more practice, our All-Inclusive SHL preparation pack will come in handy for you. It includes hundreds of realistic SHL-style practice questions (numerical, verbal, logical and more), coupled with step-by-step explanations and solving tips. Oh, and it's backed up by our money-back guarantee.

BNP Paribas Hiring Procedure

Have you been looking at BNP Paribas Careers? This Prepack™ offers the resources you will need to stand out in the BNP recruitment process. There is a detailed recruitment application process involving a BNP test, interviews and culminating in the BNP Paribas assessment centre. In general, the same steps apply to the internship programme as well, whereas for an experienced position you will only face an online application and several interviews.

BNP Paribas Online Application Form

The first stage of the recruitment process is the completion of the application form. Here you are given the opportunity to upload your CV, as well as complete information regarding your extracurricular activities that may be of note to your application. In addition, you are required to complete the BNP Paribas situational judgement test.

When uploading or completing statements for the company, you are not merely asked to list your skills and activities, rather, they want to know what you personally bring to the company. This is manifested in your skill set measured against the core values and competencies that BNP Paribas holds dear. These values are:

  • Ambition
  • Creativity
  • Commitment
  • Responsiveness

Alongside these key values, there is also a set of managerial principles that you need to possess if you are applying for a managerial role. These are:

  • Client Focus
  • Lead by Example
  • People Care
  • Risk-aware Entrepreneurship

Even if you are not applying for a managerial role, you may in the future see your role in the company adjusted, so it is therefore ideal if you can show that you have used all of these values in real life situations. Perfecting your CV in order to fit with your answers and skills is a complex task, so make sure you refer to these competencies when revising. 

BNP Paribas Online Tests

The next step of the recruitment process is the completion of the BNP Paribas tests. These include numerical, verbal and logical reasoning. Depending on your role, you may be asked to take some or all of these tests following a successful application. These tests are provided by SHL and are used to see if your abilities are a match for what BNP Paribas is looking for. These tests are a crucial step in the recruitment process, as your results determine how you can progress. Give yourself the necessary preparation to make sure you continue.

BNP Paribas Numerical Test

Numerical reasoning tests evaluate your ability to understand information presented in a numerical format. The information is presented in charts and graphs, all of which pertain to a specific company. Following the information, there is a statement and you must determine if it is true, false or you cannot say, based on the information in the table. You have 12 minutes to answer 37 questions, meaning you must work quickly and efficiently. The best way to overcome this challenge is to be fully aware of how you deal with the test; this is done by practising these tests with the SHL-style numerical tests.

BNP Paribas Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning tests measure your reading comprehension skills and how well you can analyse complex verbal information. This test presents you with information containing numerous facts condensed into a small passage. After carefully analysing the text, you need to answer the multiple-choice questions on it. There are 49 questions and they need to be answered within a 12-minute time frame. Sharpen your verbal reasoning skills and prepare for the test with the SHL-style verbal reasoning practice pack.

BNP Paribas Logical Reasoning Test

Logical, or inductive, reasoning tests ask you to identify rules based on a series of images. You are presented with two groups of tables and must figure out the rules and interrelations of each group. Once you have discovered the rule, you need to decide with the multiple choice answers fits the necessary criteria. There are 12 questions to answer in 12 minutes so you need to be able to analyse and identify quickly.

Following a successful performance on the ability tests, you will be invited to the next stage of the BNP Paribas recruitment process.


Start Prepping without Delay and Pass with Ease

The BNP Paribas assessments will be a breeze when using the highly effective preparation materials. Those PrepPacks™ were designed to get you through every aspect of the BNP Paribas recruitment process. Ace your BNP Paribas assessments and BNP Paribas interview by signing up today!

BNP Paribas Interview

If you want the job with BNP Paribas, preparing for their interview process is crucial. After submitting your CV, you will most likely be contacted for an initial screening interview held over the phone. If this interview goes well, you should be invited by BNP Paribas to participate in a face-to-face interview. The face-to-face interview will either be held one-on-one or in a group or panel.

BNP Paribas Superday

The BNP Paribas Superday is an assessment day dedicated to establishing whether you are the right candidate for the job. This event takes place either at the company or at a hired venue. Typically, it consists of one or more interviews, presentation, case studies and other exercises. Your invitation will list the type of activities you will face during this day. This PrepPack™ contains the material you will need to ace your assessment day.

BNP Paribas Careers

BNP Paribas is one of the world’s largest banks with assets of over three trillion dollars. In the UK alone, there are approximately 3,000 employees and they have bases in 87 different countries. There is a range of internships available in investment solutions, corporate and institutional banking and retail baking, as well as in supportive roles such as HR and IT. To enter BNP Paribas Careers you should complete their hiring process successfully.



When applying for a job at Accenture, on average, 50-60% of individuals are rejected in the aptitude screening round itself.

The following write-up will provide you with tips to help you join the ranks of individuals who have succeeded in landing a job at Accenture in the very first attempt.

You'll be given a step-by-step breakdown of the most helpful hints for passing their recruitment and evaluation process:

  • Job Application Submission 
  • Accenture Digital Assessment - Pymetrics Games, Immersive Online Assessment
  • Telephonic Interview
  • Assessment Centre.

It's never easy to get a job at Accenture. However, if you prepare correctly and well, you can significantly improve your chances of getting placed.

Accenture's recruitment team must quickly sift through thousands of job applications each year. This is why psychometric exams are required as part of Accenture's hiring procedure. The easiest and most credible means to weed out unfit prospects is to use online psychometric aptitude tests.

Stage 1: Submitting Online Application

Once you've determined the position, you'd want to apply for, fill out the online application form, which includes information on your education and academic achievements, relevant work experience, and potentially some short competency questions. 

Assert yourself as a candidate who will fit into Accenture's company culture. 

Identify your personal experiences that align with Accenture's six fundamental values for all candidates: 

Stewardship: You should accept responsibility, strive to improve and make attempts to better communities and the environment at large.

Best People: The organization trains and pushes its employees, and they are expected to have a "can-do" mentality. 

Client Value Creation: You should pay attention to your client's requirements and be prepared to provide the best service possible. 

One Global Network: To create and nurture relationships and encourage collaboration around the globe, you must approach problems from a global viewpoint. 

Individual Respect: You must exemplify Accenture's attitude to inclusion and diversity. 

Integrity: To establish trust, you must display high ethical standards, be honest, and take responsibility for your actions. 

Online Application Tip 

Always apply as soon as possible— candidates are often evaluated on a rolling basis, so applying early can greatly improve your prospects. Always double-check your application form for any errors. 

Any future references will be based on the application form. Prepare to devote more effort to ensure that the information you provide accurately portrays you as a person and the candidate that Accenture is seeking. Make written notes or duplicates of everything you've entered into the application. During the interview, you may be asked for more information. 


Stage 2: Immersive Assessment | Online Aptitude Tests

Accenture uses different assessment for different positions. The most popular assessments used by Accenture are the Immersive Online Assessment and the Accenture Pymetrics Assessment.

The Immersive Online Assessment is used to evaluate candidates' cognitive functions and abilities, as well as their familiarity with technological advances and overall business knowledge. 

You will be given a variety of evaluations to aid Accenture recruiters to assess your profile against the following capabilities, depending on the specific post and market for which you applied: 

  • Motivated apprentice
  • Online collaborator
  • Tech advocate
  • Client partner

Accenture Pymetrics

Following the application, you might be required to complete a quick psychometric exam. If you do well, you will be given an online assessment consisting of 12 games offered by Pymetrics that measure various cognitive capabilities and personality qualities. There is no time limit on each game— each might take several minutes to complete.

Click here for the full Pymetrics games guide.


There are other online assessments that you might be required to take, based on the position you applied to. Some assessments include a work scenario or a business case study.

You should portray yourself throughout the Accenture Online Assessments as someone who: 

  • is always eager to learn more communicates effortlessly with coworkers in person or online 
  • is intrigued by new technologies and seeks ways to apply them 
  • shows complete professionalism in assisting clients in achieving their goals 

Accenture's online evaluations often include a combination of regular psychometric tests, such as: 

  • Job Simulation
  • Situational Analysis 
  • Personality based Questionnaire 
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Accenture Communication Assessment Evaluation

Job simulation 

Accenture Job Simulation is divided into two psychometric tests: 

  • Situational Judgement Test
  • Work Personality Questionnaire

The composition in which you will take Accenture's Situational Judgement Test and Work Personality Questionnaire is distinctive from the conventional test form. You are expected to be asked the topics as part of the immersive business case study, seeking to measure:

  • what you believe are suitable reactions to problems based on some common work situations 
  • what your preferred working style is 
  • and whether it meets the criteria required of an Accenture candidate

Situational Judgement Test (SJT)

Accenture Situational Judgement Tests present the candidate with a made-up scenario based on some of the most typical difficulties faced by employees at firms such as Accenture on a daily basis. These could be detecting a critical arithmetic error during an ongoing presentation, getting challenged by a client or partner on your engagement, or needing to fix a communication difficulty with a colleague.

SJT is particularly tough because all of the responses will appear to be valid. They'll all have some good peculiarities, so you'll have to figure out which are practical and which are Accenture's preferences.


When taking the Accenture Situational Judgement Test, keep in mind the type of work culture you'd anticipate to find at Accenture (consulting), as well as the attitudes and skills that typical Accenture applicants possess. Then try to apply what you've learned to the scenarios you're working on.

Work Personality Questionnaire

Unlike ability exams, there are no right or incorrect answers on Accenture's Personality Questionnaire. It will evaluate your own inclinations within Accenture's work environment, such as consulting and working with corporate clients. Keep in mind that having a specific choice will not earn you more points as a candidate. 

There's a common misconception that there's no right or wrong answers in personality assessments. That's obviously not true, as these tests are used to shortlist candidates. When responding to the Accenture Online Assessment Personality Questionnaire, try to emphasize the characteristics you consider make you ideal for the role applied for.

Numerical Reasoning Test

The Accenture Numerical Reasoning Test is designed to assess your numerical reasoning abilities. The majority of your calculations will be ordinary GCSE/High School Math arithmetic. Accenture's numerical reasoning test is challenging not because of the knowledge required but because of how you reason with the facts supplied under time constraints. 

Because you will only have a minute to answer each question, practising numerical reasoning exam questions is ideal for ensuring that you do your best. This way, you will become more familiar with common problems and feel more comfortable, which will help you gain confidence.

Remember that the stress and time constraints make things difficult, not a lack of expertise! You'll have to learn how to deal with them. By far, the most effective way is to practice tests in a safe atmosphere before your actual test.


Communication Assessment Test

Accenture Online Assessment Communication test evaluates candidates' communication abilities. It is divided into six segments, each of which is asked verbally by a pre-recorded speaker. 

We'll give you a quick rundown of each section of Accenture's Communication Assessment: 



This round will put your reading skills to the test. A series of eight sentences will appear on the screen, and you will have 20-30 seconds to read them loudly. 



This component assesses your ability to listen to and repeat verbal communication. You will be asked to repeat the phrases that the speaker has read aloud to you.



Simple questions are posed in this section, to which you should respond in not more than a few words. The questions will be straightforward and not overly complex.


mixed up sentences  

You will have to reassemble scrambled sentences into understandable phrases in this section. 


Retelling a tale

You will hear a brief story in this segment, which you will be asked to retell afterwards. 

Make sure you comprehend the story's main points and, if required, jot down names or locations.



This segment will require you to give a one-minute presentation on two different questions or topics that do not require any prior knowledge or preparation. Concentrate on crafting precise and coherent sentences while keeping in mind the limited time limit.


Stage 3: Digital Interview

You will be called to a first-round interview after successfully completing Online Assessment and Accenture pymetrics tests. Previously, this was done over the phone, but nowadays, most candidates are interviewed via the internet using a program called HireVue. 

You'll be asked a series of questions and given a set amount of time to record your responses, which will be evaluated and scored afterwards.

HireVue employs sophisticated self-learning algorithms to match your body language to Accenture's desired competencies. Your body language and tone will be revealed because the interview is video-based. As a result, you should make sure you appear relaxed and confident, as this will give the interviewer a positive impression and make it simpler for them to follow what you're saying.


Following are some examples of questions asked during Accenture interviews: 

  • Tell us a little bit more about yourself. 
  • What are your motivations behind joining Accenture? 
  • What do you find fascinating about the field to which you applied? 
  • What exactly does Accenture accomplish as a business? 
  • How does Accenture aid its clients with technology? 
  • Tell us about a time when you had to offer assistance and support to someone. 
  • Tell us about a moment when you had to work with a challenging coworker and how you dealt with the situation. 
  • Tell us about a time when you had to rise to the occasion and demonstrate your leadership abilities. 
  • Tell us about a time when you were confronted with a situation that required you to utilize your imagination to solve.


Stage 4: Accenture Assessment Centre

The Assessment Centre, which will take place at Accenture offices, is the final stage of the Accenture Online Assessment Recruitment Process. 

Accenture's Assessment Center is usually divided into three sections: 

  • Group Activity
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Assessment
  • Technical Assessments and Interviews

In the prevalent Covid-19 pandemic times, this part of the process will be virtual depending on your region and the role you apply for. You can expect to participate in the same types of exercises and tests, with the exception of a shift in the environment from an office to an online video evaluation.