Prepare for Your Cut-e Pilot Test and Improve Your Score

The cut-e Pilot Test is a psychometric assessment that evaluates the core skills required from pilots. Widely used by flight schools and major airlines, including Qantas Pilots Academy, Lufthansa, and EasyJet, this test serves as a crucial screening tool in selecting aspiring pilots.

The cut-e Pilot Assessment includes challenging aptitude tests, such as the cut-e spatial orientation pilot test, monitoring test, and complex control test. To enhance your performance, it is beneficial to be familiar with the test questions and practise similar tests. Doing so can significantly improve your score and boost your chances of success.

✈ On this page, you will find sample questions and expert tips to help you prepare for the cut-e Pilot Test. All samples were selected from our comprehensive cut-e Pilot Test preparation. 

cut-e Pilot Tests
Less Content
  • Spatial Orientation Tests (Gyro & RBI)
  • Reaction Time Practice
  • Monitoring Ability Practice
  • Sustained Attention Practice
  • Working Memory Game & Guide 
  • Cut-e Logic Tests
    Inductive & Deductive Tests
  • Cut-e Numerical Tests & Guide
  • Behavioral Pilot Tests & Guides
    Personality & Integrity Tests
  • Verbal Reasoning Tests & Guide
  • Pilot Interview Preparation

Yedidya, Aviation Industry Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the Cut-e Pilot Test?

The cut-e Pilot test assesses essential competencies of airline pilots, such as multitasking, eye-hand coordination, spatial awareness, and arithmetic abilities.

The cut-e pilot test comprises a battery of up to 12 mini-tests, each evaluating a different cognitive or behavioral quality. The number of mini-tests differs between airline companies and flight schools. All of the cut-e tests are taken in the MapTQ Online Platform

These cut-e tests, or Aon tests, are pretty challenging since most of them deduct points for wrong answers and have strict time limits.



Cut-E Pilot Spatial Orientation Test

The Pilot cut-e Spatial Orientation Test, or the GYRO and RBI Test, involves identifying aircraft position and attitude using the GYRO and RBI indicators. You will have 3 minutes to complete the test.

You will see a dashboard featuring a gyrocompass (GYRO) to show your flight direction and a radio compass (RBI) to indicate the location of a non-directional beacon. Your task is to determine the aircraft's flight direction and location. To do this, you must mentally rotate the RBI to identify the position of the non-directional beacon.

Here is a cut-e spatial orientation sample question:

Sample Question #1

Select the aircraft’s flying direction, indicated by the GYRO, and the zone indicated by the RBI.

scales nbd
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According to the GYRO, the plane is flying west- its nose is facing left. 

To find the zone, we have to perform three steps. 

1. Calculate the angle of deviation. To do this, measure the clockwise angle between the plane's nose and the RBI's arrow point.

According to the RBI, the angle of deviation is 225°.

2. Find the relative bearing. To do this, draw the plane (facing the direction the GYRO indicates) and the RBI's arrow, such that the arrow is pointing 225° clockwise from the plane- that's the angle of deviation we just found.

3. Find the zone. On the compass we've drawn, the unpainted arrow's end marks the plane's position relative to the ground station. So, we can see it is in zone 8.

The airplane is facing left and is in zone 8- which leaves us with answer A.


TIP: To help you make the correct calculations, imagine that the RBI turns the same way as the aircraft

Cut-E Pilot Reaction Speed Test (scales rt)

The Cut-E Reaction Speed Assessment measures your speed in processing and responding to visual information.

During the test, you will be presented with pairs of geometric shapes. Your task is to quickly determine whether the shapes are identical. You will have 3 minutes to complete the test.

Here is an example of a reaction speed question, taken from our full cut-e pilot test preparation:

Sample Question #2

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While this question type seems rather easy, the test includes tens of pairs, and each answer must be decided in a second – making the overall test very challenging.

As the test progresses, you may become tired, and mistakes may shake your confidence. Practicing and keeping composure even if mistakes are made are key to success in those questions.


TIP: Pressing the key when the shapes are different will be considered a mistake and will reduce your score.

Cut-E Pilot Monitoring Test

In the pilot monitoring test, you’ll be shown varying numbers of moving balls. Your task is to count the balls as quickly as possible. Each correct answer will increase the difficulty. Overall, you have 2 minutes to answer as many questions as possible.

Here is an example of a monitoring test question taken from our Cut-e Pilot Test Preparation:

Sample Question #3







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The correct answer is 10 objects.
Look carefully at the circle and quickly determine the number of objects when they do not overlap. Note that in the real test – you have a very short time to answer as many questions as possible – therefore, you should answer quickly and move forward.



TIP: Group the balls into pairs of four, then count the number of groups and multiply them by four.

Cut-E Pilot Multitasking Test

The Cut-E Multitasking Test assesses your ability to perform tasks quickly and simultaneously.

You will be required to complete three tasks at the same time –

  • Task I – on the center of the screen, you will be presented with aircraft that fly from left to right.
    Your task is to bring as many aircraft as possible to the runway.
  • Task II – On your screen's top right corner, you will be presented with changing equations.
    Your task is to verify that the equations are correct.
  • Task III – on the bottom right of your screen, you will be presented with a sequence of seven letters.
    Your task is to check if any of the letters appear twice.

You will have 5 minutes to complete the task.


TIP:  Dedicate a few seconds to each task, while paying enough attention to the other two.

Cut-E Pilot Complex Control Test (wingChallenge)

An assessment of your hand-eye coordination.

You will be presented with a simulation in which you navigate through a rotating cylindrical tube.

Your task is to fly through the tube and avoid the obstacles that come your way.

You will have 3 minutes to complete the task.


TIP:  You can control your speed and adjust it to your convenience. Although you have limited time, you can start the task at medium speed and once you figure it out, gradually increase to a faster and harder mode.

Cut-E Pilot Inductive Logical Thinking Test

The Cut-e Inductive Logical Thinking Test assesses your ability to recognise and apply rules and patterns.

You will be presented with two sets of grids. In the upper set, each grid has an assigned colour. Grids marked with the same colour are a part of the same group.

Your task is to recognise the patterns of each colour group and assign the unmarked grids to the group they belong to.

You will have 12 minutes to complete 12 tasks.

Let's look at an inductive logical thinking sample question:

Sample Question #4

cut-e cls sample question
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Pattern: All tables with marking above (orange) have a 2 in the same place.

The correct markings (from left to right) are: bottom, top, top, bottom.


TIP:  The pattern of each group can be manifested in every variable within the grid. Thus, you need to pay close attention to every fine detail – the arrangement of the numbers and letters, the quantity of each character, etc.

Cut-E Deductive Logical Thinking Test

The Cut-E Deductive Logical Thinking Test assesses your ability to learn, infer, and apply new information.

You will be presented with a grid that contains a series of symbols and one cell with a question mark. Your task is to identify which symbol should replace the question mark so no two identical symbols occupy the same column or row.

You will have 6 minutes to complete as many tasks as possible.

Here is a deductive logical thinking sample question:

Sample Question #5

What symbol should appear in place of the question mark?

aon scales lst example





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The shape missing from the fourth column is the X.


Having added the X to the bottom row, the shape missing from the bottom row is a circle.


Therefore, the correct answer is :


TIP:  A symbol can appear only once in each column or row. Therefore, you need to be sure that the symbol you choose as missing is not violating that rule and does not appear more than once.

Cut-E Applied Numeracy Test (scales tmt)

The Cut-e Numerical Test assesses numerical reasoning and calculating skills in four areas: Translation of Units, Rule of Three, Percentage Calculation, and Areas and Spaces.

You will be presented with an text passage, followed by a multiple-choice question. Your task is to make the calculations needed to reach the correct answer.

Let’s view an applied numeracy sample question:

Sample Question #6

The total cost of an electric bill is $318.00. If 6% tax, which is added to the cost of the electricity, is included in the $318.00, how much did the electricity cost before tax?





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The bill was for $318, including a 6% tax. Notice that 6% is added to the net cost - that is, the tax is not 6% of 318, but 318 is 106% of the electricity cost. This means 318 is (106/100) = 1.06 times the net electricity cost.

In order to isolate electricity, we will divide each side by 1.06.

That means that:

Electricity × 1.06 = 318
318 ÷ 1.06 =
(318 ÷ 106) × 100 =
3 × 100 =


💡 Solving tip
Before trying to solve the question, it may be helpful to first look at the answer choices. Notice that according to answer A the price without tax ($337.08) is higher than the price with tax ($318). Since this cannot be, answer A can be eliminated.

According to answer B, the price without tax ($19.02) is almost $300 less than the price with tax ($318). We know that 6% of 19.02 cannot be anywhere near 298.92 and we can therefore eliminate answer B.

The two remaining answer choices are very close together, $298.92 and $300. Instead of dividing 318/1.06, we can multiply one of these two answer choices by 1.06 and see if we get 318.
We will check 300, as it is a much more comfortable number to work with.

300 × 1.06
= (3 × 100) × (106 ÷ 100)
=3 × 106
=3 × 100 + 3 × 6
= 300 + 18 =

300 is therefore the correct answer. Notice that if we would have first multiplied 298.92×1.06 we would have gotten 316.8552. We could have then eliminated answer D and concluded answer C was the correct answer without checking it.


TIP: Not all the information presented is relevant to the question. So, first, you need to sort through the paragraph to determine which data items are necessary to solve the problem.

Cut-E Verbal Reasoning Test (scales verbal)

The Cut-E Verbal Reasoning Test assesses your ability to understand, analyze, and interpret textual information.

You will be presented with six tabs of text, each followed by a statement. Your task is to determine if the statement is true, false, or 'cannot say' based on the information within the different tabs.

You will have 12 minutes to complete 49 tasks.

Let’s view a verbal reasoning sample question:

Sample Question #7

Below are six tabs containing information about a business, followed by a statement. Read the statement, then look for the relevant information inside the tabs to help you label the statement as true, false, or indeterminate. 


Shareholders – shareholders are people who invest their own funds in a company. A shareholder is usually an outside investor, but some management positions hold shares in the company as an incentive to put more effort into it. Employees from management positions cannot be hired as managers in the subsidiary organization too, even if it's a non-profit organization, to avoid a conflict of interest.
Management – this division is comprised of the CEO, the sales representative, and team leaders and secretaries who have worked in the company for three years or more.

Materials – this division is comprised of engineers, truckers, lab researchers, assembly line workers and tech support. During the high season period, the company hires a fair amount of freelancers to help with the lab research. After the season ends, their contract is terminated. The cleaning staff is an outside company that is getting paid to clean the organization’ facilities. Their actions are supervised by the safety engineer.

The company will open a bid for the audit committee position every year. The chairman must be someone with no substantial affiliation to the company, not an employee, not from an employee's family or future family, and certainly cannot be someone who took part in the organization in the past 5 years.



The cleaning staff must have three employees on "standby" to respond to any of the safety engineer’s calls.

All employees must work 9 hours a day, and no more than 13 hours in overtime.

The CEO may allocate 12% of the company's yearly revenue for research and development.

For charity outreach, the company will send three employees to Manchester's soup kitchen for a full workweek.

Pipelines – this service is provided by the materials division representatives and not someone who specializes in plumbing, thus it's one of the least profitable products the company offers due to bad reviews.

Natural gas products – a seasonal product operated by seasonal employees only. The revenue from these products is allocated to the subsidiary company.

Electricity usage efficiency – this service is one of the most profitable products/services the company offers. This service is scheduled through sales and is provided by the engineers.

The company's research team is trying to initiate a new business strategy and provide one additional product – printed 3-D building blocks. This is not a product yet, but it will be in 2029.

The management division is located in the northern business center of Manchester, whereas there are three active locations around the country: The pipeline manufacturing factory is located in the industrial area of South Manchester. The natural gas product is located on an oil platform on the shores of the country. The electricity usage efficiency is a service that does not require a plant but does require an office with all the right facilities. This office is located next to the management offices.

Once a year, the company rents a research lab for three months in a different location.

The cleaning staff has its own cabin for sleeping outside the pipeline factory.

The company owns a suite of offices in downtown Manchester. Those offices are rented to a third party at the moment but can be cleared out within 14 days from the moment the company notifies the third party.

All plants must be running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Assembly line workers work in shifts of 8 hours. Within their shifts, workers must melt 850 lbs. of steel and manufacture 107 deluxe pipelines altogether.

The CEO, the head of engineers, and the employee in charge of the cleaning staff must convene once a week for a site-wide operational evaluation.

The delivery team, which is comprised of the truckers, must report to the head of sales every 12 hours.

The Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders and is assigned to monitor the company's activity as a whole.

The Board of Directors hires the CEO themselves, and they have the power to fire him if 10% of the management agrees to it.

The Board of Directors convenes every 75 days and discusses the CEO's performance every 100 days.

The Board of Directors has the right to allocate up to $100,000 in bonuses every year. Higher amounts should be authorized by the shareholders' general assembly.

Every director can be fired by the shareholders' general assembly, and once every five years 40% of them must be replaced by new directors.

No management employees are allowed to be in the company's Board of Directors.

The board must consist of at least 33% females, at least 20% males and at least 12% university graduates.

The company is willing to provide any document regarding electricity and pollution stats for the past year to any inquiring party. The document will be issued by the weekly evaluation committee.

With regard to yearly revenue, the board will not provide any reports to any party other than the shareholders.

The company will not provide any reports regarding its missions, schedule, or the profit division of products and services to any third party.

Shareholder reports should be provided by the CEO to the board, and the board will disseminate the reports to the shareholders.

Once every five months the company will deliver a report to the government addressing issues required by the commissioner. However, if any of the information could potentially hurt future revenue or violate privacy, the report won't be provided without a warrant.

The company will receive tax refunds of 12% if they invest at least 42 weekly hours in a known non-profit organization or at least 60 weekly hours in any other charity work. The 12% tax refund may accumulate into millions a year, thus it is a profitable strategy. The company has been receiving refunds for the past three years.


Statement: All the cleaning staff is on standby every single moment.





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The correct answer is "Cannot Say".

We don't know how many employees are on the cleaning staff, thus we cannot say if the requirement for three employees on standby (as stated in the first paragraph in the Responsibilities tab) requires all of them or just part of the cleaning staff. 


TIP: To find the relevant information, you need to go through all the different tabs, and you must submit your answer while you on the correct tab; otherwise, you will lose the points, even if the answer is correct.

An assessment of your workplace behaviour and preferences.

You will be presented with sets of three statements regarding your personal traits and tendencies, and six points to distribute.

Your task is to divide the points according to how accurately each of the statements best describes you.

Tip: You can place all six points on one statement or divide them between the statements as you think best describes you.


TIP: You can place all six points on one statement or divide them between the statements as you think best describes you.

Cut-E chatAssess

ChatAssess is an assessment of your work-related behaviour and judgment through a gamified situational judgment test (SJT).

You will be presented with a chat simulation with incoming messages from customers and colleagues.

Your task is to respond to the messages by choosing from the given options or typing an answer in your own words.

You will have 20 minutes to answer all messages.

Let’s see how chatAssess looks –

aon cut-e chatassess sample

TIP: When choosing your reply, you need to consider three factors – the person’s request, position, and ranking.

Cut-E Pilot Working Memory (Smartpredict GridChallenge)

An assessment of your working memory, focus, and attention.

You will be presented with a grid containing a series of dots, with one of them highlighted, followed by an unrelated question regarding the symmetry of a simple diagram. Then, you will be presented again with the grid, and another highlighted dot, followed by another diagram question, and so on.

Your task is to memorize the order and positions of the highlighted dots.

You will have 9 minutes to complete 9 tasks.

Let’s look at a working memory sample question –

TIP: to better remember the position of the dots, you can verbalize their location. For example, say, “The upper dot one the 3-dot group on the right.”

How Can JobTestPrep Help Pass The Cut-e Pilot Test?

Realistic cut-e pilot practice tests can help you score higher than other applicants and stand out throughout the recruitment process, improving your chances of becoming a pilot.

JobTestPrep's pilot cut-e spatial orientation test practice includes complete guides and practice tests to improve your speed when interpreting flight direction and position working with GYRO and RBI. In addition, it contains practice tests for the verbal section, applied numeracy section, inductive and deductive sections, a chatAssess simulation, a personality test, and an interview video guide.

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Spatial Orientation Tests & Guide (Gyro & RBI)

Reaction Time Practice

Monitoring Ability Practice

Sustained Attention Practice

Working Memory Game & Guide 

Cut-e Logic Tests
Inductive & Deductive Tests

Cut-e Numerical Tests & Guide

Behavioral Pilot Tests 
Personality and Integrity Tests & Guides

Verbal Reasoning Tests & Guide

Pilot Interview Preparation

Cut- E Pilot Test FAQs

A pilot assessment test is a psychometric evaluation of the essential skills, aptitude, and competencies needed for aircraft pilots. The cut-e Pilot Assessment is a widely used psychometric test for this purpose.



The pilot aptitude consists of several mini-tests that assess skills like multitasking, hand-to-eye coordination, spatial awareness, monitoring abilities, complex control, numerical and verbal reasoning, and inductive and deductive thinking.

Many flight schools and large airlines companies use the cut-e pilot test; among them are L3 Flight Academy, Aer Lingus, EasyJet, Ryanair, L3/CTC, FlyDubai, Lufthansa, Swiss (DEC), Thai Airways, Norwegian, and Etihad.

The cut-e pilot assessment is demanding, requiring a high score to pass. To excel, it's essential to prepare thoroughly and become familiar with each section’s challenges.

Our PrepPacks are designed to help you succeed on the cut-e pilot test, offering comprehensive guides and test simulations with detailed explanations.

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