PerformanSe is an assessment company that focuses on the soft skills that are vital in any work place. The Performanse test is in fact a line of assessment tests that measure personality, motivation, behavior and cognitive characteristics.
On this page we will guide you through the main aspects of the PerformanSe personality test, Echo. Although many people believe that personality tests cannot be prepared for, this is a misconception - with the right kind of preparation, you can ensure that your strengths come through clearly in your answers.
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The Echo PerformanSe test is a personality test influenced by the "Big Five" model of personality. In the test, you are presented with 70 sets of two statements from which you must select one statement that describes you better than the other.
The test has no time limit, but average users complete it in approximately 15 minutes. Each question you answer provides a variety of behavioral patterns, and through the combined answers of all 70 questions a complex analysis of your personality, motivation, behavior and cognitive characteristics is formed.
Tip: although there is no time limit in the Echo PerformanSe Test, taking too long hesitating over the questions can have a negative impact on your results.
One of the unique attributes of the Echo PerformanSe test is that through the pervasiveness of each of the five factors used in the test's model in your results, a further map of cognitive workplace abilities is formed. The five factors which the Echo test is based on (IDEAC) are influenced by the Big 5 model of personality, adapted to work place capacities.
Your score on each of these factors is then used to assess your aptitude in ten workplace related cognitive abilities:
Let's see what an Echo question might look like:
Colleagues who see me involved in a work related disagreement are usually more likely to think that:
A. I am too calm
B. I am too agitated
A question like this can reveal your levels of influence, agreeableness, and how well you can resolve conflict. Being able to maintain your composure during conflict improves your ability to express your ideas in a way that others can relate to.
Tip: many personality test takers try to provide the "right" answers and trick the system, without understanding that their results will easily reveal dishonest patterns. Personality tests used nuanced methods to understand what attributes the respondent has, and learning about the theory behind them can help you showcase your strengths and land the job.
The PerformanSe Learning Questionnaire complements the Echo test by examining your attitudes and propensity towards learning. The reason attributes related to learning are measured is that they have profound implications regarding an employee's future performance, for example:
This section of the PeformanSe test includes 27 statements where regarding learning, which you will need to rank on a scale of 1-5 depending on how relevant it is to you.
A typical question in this section could be:
I believe utilizing technology to learn remotely can help you keep better track of your progress.
As you can see, statements in this section are not as straightforward as "I like / dislike learning". The learning questionnaire examines much more intricate aspects of your attitudes, so your answers need to be well thought out.
Interested in learning more about personality tests and how to prepare for them? Visit our personality test prep page for more info.
The PerformanSe workplace beliefs questionnaire provides your employer with an indication regarding a variety of factors such as your motivations, behaviors and attitudes towards the workplace. The questionnaire can be used to learn about many things, such as:
This section of the test includes 20 statements workplace beliefs, which you will need to rank on a scale of one to five depending on how closely they relate to you. A typical question in this section could be:
Entrepreneurship should be a priority in the workplace.
There is no absolutely right or wrong answer when it comes to questions like these. They depend greatly on the position in question, and the organization itself.
While jobs that are focused on adherence to strict protocols (such as laboratory workers) might not be looking for high levels of entrepreneurship in their future employees, others in the field of sales for example certainly do.
Tip: a vital step in your preparation journey for the PeformanSe test is understanding the nature of your future position. Based on your analysis of the job, you will be able to understand which attributes will be examined more closely by your future employer, and how your own personality attributes fit in with this.
At JobTestPrep, we have been developing preparation resources for personality tests since 1992, gaining the expertise that can help you answer your test in the way that best reflects your strengths. Check out some of our leading personality test pages, that include useful info and free practice resources:
PerformanSe is a French assessment company that specializes in soft skills and provides cutting edge tests for leading employers worldwide. Among their products you can find web-based assessment tests covering crucial aspects in candidate selection, such as personality tests, cognitive tests, 360 assessments, and more.
Have you been invited to take a PerformanSe test as part of your hiring process? At JobTestPrep we are in currently developing tools to help you out.
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Since 1992, JobTestPrep has stood for true-to-original online test and assessment centre preparation. Our decades of experience make us a leading international provider of test training. Over one million customers have already used our products to prepare professionally for their recruitment tests.