Free Pymetrics Test Practice – Samples & Explanations for 12 Pymetrics Games [2024]

The Pymetrics test is a pre-employment tool used by leading organisations worldwide.

The assessment is a series of dynamic gamified tests, each evaluating a different set of cognitive abilities, behavioural tendencies, and personality traits that compile into a cohesive candidate’s profile. This profile is later compared to the role description and required capabilities of the sought-after position.

The free Pymetrcs games samples on this page are taken from our full Pymetrics Practice Pack and are intended to familiarise candidates with the 12 most common Pymetrics games:

Learn more about the Pymetrics Test!

Gal, Pymetrics Games Expert at JobTestPrep
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Free Pymetrics Game Samples

Balloon Game

In the balloon game, you need to gather as much money as possible by pumping balloons. Too much pumping will explode the balloon if it reaches its explosion point.

  • Each time you click "Pump," the balloon increases in size and earns you $0.05.
  • To retain the money you've made, click "Collect" before the balloon explodes.
  • If the balloon explodes before you click "Collect," you will lose the money.


Here is an example of a different balloon color. Can you spot the difference? 



For the Pymetrics Balloon Game, you need to pay attention to the different colours of the balloons, as each one has a unique behaviour. Thus, to maximize the amount of money you gather, you need to identify each colour explosion pattern quickly.


What is the goal of the Balloon Game?

As this game assesses your pattern recognition and risk tolerance, you need to make your choices according to the characteristics required in the position you applied for. For example, in the finance world, risk-taking is a crucial trait. However, if you are applying for a role that requires more calculated methods, research analysis, for example, it may be preferable to present more cautious tendencies and collect the money sooner without the risk of losing it.

While the balloon game requires you to follow the same set of rules all the way through, the focal point of the next game is your ability to focus on one task for a long time.

Stop Game

In the Stop Game, you will be presented with a red circle or a green circle –

  • When you see a red circle, you will need to press the spacebar.
  • When you see a green circle, you don’t need to do anything.


For the Pymetrics stop game, you need to respond quickly to stimulus, and equally important is inhibiting your reaction when the green circle appears. When facing the pressure of a test, it can be pretty challenging.

The game assesses your attention span and ability to stay concentrated, manifested in your consistency, as well as your level of impulsivity. This characteristic is crucial in almost every field of work, from consulting to Data Scientist.  

 As the Stop game, the next game also assesses your attention, but also your ability to shift from one task to another swiftly and effectively.

Arrow Game

In the arrow game, you will be presented with different sets of flashing arrows, and you will need to indicate the direction of the arrows according to two rules –

  • If the arrows are blue or black, you will need to indicate the direction of the middle arrow.
  • If the arrows are red, you will need to indicate the direction of the side arrows.


  Though it might seem easy enough, it’s more confusing when arrows are facing opposite directions 



  And even more difficult when you need to quickly identify the rules changed and shift your attention to the side arrows:



For the Pymetrics arrow game, you need to be familiar with all three types and switch between them quickly, as it assesses your learning abilities, attention, and adaptivity. These traits are essential in most lines of work and are crucial for positions such as trade, risk management, and Financial Analysis.


How Can You Ace the Arrow Game?

To really master this game, you need to experience the quick transactions between the different instructions and practice how to apply them fast enough. The Arrows Practice Game from our PrePack accurately mirrors the test format, acquaints you with the rules, and enhances your ability to recognise and respond to the arrows swiftly.

Starting at £49, you can gain access to 12 Pymetrics games, allowing you to get to know each game and its unique challenges and sharpen the skills needed to receive a high score on the test, such as attention span and adaptivity that are required to ace the arrow game.  

While the arrow game requires you to divide your attention between different elements, the following game focuses on one main trait; this time, it’s your planning ability.

Tower Game

In the tower game, you will be presented with three towers, each with a different arrangement of coloured disks stacked on them and an example of how the towers should look.

You will need to rearrange the disks to match the example, using the fewest moves possible.




For the Pymetrics tower game, you need to showcase your tactical thinking and plan your moves in advance so you can reach the target tower using the least moves.


What is the goal of the Tower Game?

The purpose of this game is not to see if you can solve the task but to evaluate your behaviour and planning methods. In fact, the game assesses two factors – the number of moves you make and the time it takes you to make your first move. Taking a few extra moments to make your first move can be a sign of good planning and strategy, which are valuable traits to highlight in many positions, especially managerial roles and those that require forecasting a few steps forward.

Our Pymetrics PrePack will teach you effective techniques for approaching the game, enabling you to quickly form a strategy and solve the task with the least number of moves possible.

In the Tower Game, you are assessed on your ability to plan ahead, while the next game is a bit more personal as it evaluates your trust in other people.

Money Exchange Game #1

In the first money exchange game, you will be paired with an AI player –

  • You start the game with $10.
  • You have the choice to transfer any desired amount to the other player. The amount will be tripled once it's transferred.




  • Then, the other player can decide how much to return to you.
  • Finally, you will need to rate how fair your partner was during this transaction. 




For the first Pymetrics money game, you need to decide how much money you want to transfer to the other player according to the trust you put in him. By transferring a large amount of money, you show you trust the other player to be fair and return to you some of the money he gained. By transferring a small amount, you display suspicion toward the other player.

In real life, as in this game, too much trust can lead to a loss, and thus, trusting other people is often involved in taking risks. These two qualities are tested in almost every working environment when working with your colleagues, clients, and affiliates.

Practice Like The Real Assessment

Pymetrics Games measure specific cognitive and emotional traits through various interactive tasks and games. By practising under similar conditions, you can improve your performance, reduce test anxiety, and better showcase your true abilities. Additionally, practising can help you understand the tricks behind each game and gain the crucial skills to pass it with a high score. 

Our prep course is built on a highly interactive platform that will allow you to practice the games like in the real test! See below what our interactive course looks like:


Thank you team for your support, I had a chance to practise the Pymetrics test and that helped me a lot while improving my results! Strongly recommended before real-lifetests.


          Aneta. M


Excellent!!! It is worth the money, get it! Very good strategies & explanations on how to get ready and how to solve each problem!


          Meklit. Y



The first Money Exchange game and the next one are both called “Money Exchange games”, and though they look similar, this one assesses the trust you put in others, while the next game evaluates the trust that can be put in you.

Money Exchange Game #2

In the second money exchange game, you will once again be paired with an AI player, but this time with different rules -

  • Both you and the other player start with $5.
  • Only one of you will receive an extra $5.
  • You have the option to share some of your extra-earned money with the other player and then rate the fairness of the transaction.



Now, you play a second round with a different player.

  • Only you get an extra $5.
  • You get to decide whether to give the other player a sum of money or take it from them and then rate the fairness of that transaction.


 For the second Pymetrics money game, you need to decide whether to give money to the other player, even though you don’t get any money in return. By this action, you demonstrate your altruism. In contrast to the first money game, you have total control over determining the amount of money you and the other player will end up with.

While having a strong sense of altruism has its merits, it is crucial to establish boundaries. Being overly generous and giving away all your money can result in having none left, indicating a lack of thoughtful planning. However, in some positions involving aiding other people, it is essential to demonstrate that you can see other people’s needs.

How Can You Get the Best Result in This Game?

The key to success in this game is balancing altruism and self-interest. Our PrePack teaches you how to be fair, considerate, and focused on your well-being while considering the position you applied for.

For a price starting at 69$, you can access 12 Pymetrics games. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with each game, understand their distinctive difficulties, and what stands behind them, including the delicate balance needed to master the money exchange games.

The Pymetrics games assess different aspects of your personality, it can be your altruism, as in this game, and your motivation and making decisions strategy, as in the next game.

Hard or Easy Task Game

In the Hard or Easy Task Game, you will need to choose between two tasks –

  • An easy task that you will most likely be able to complete, but the reward is low

  • A hard task that will be harder to complete, but the reward is high 


For the Pymetrics hard or easy task game, you can choose the easier task with guaranteed success but a lower reward over the harder task with uncertain chances of success. However, in some rounds of the game, the amount of effort doesn’t necessarily give you the best reward, and you need to carefully consider your odds before choosing the task’s difficulty.  


What is the goal of the Hard or Easy Task Game?

The goal of this game is not only to assess your willingness to put in effort but especially your strategic thinking.

As in all of the Pymetrics games, your strategy needs to be based on the job you applied for; for instance, as a consultant, you are required to take risks by providing advice to clients on complex problems, but as an accountant, you are often required to follow established procedures and be careful not to take unnecessary risks.

The Hard or Easy game might seem simple at first glance, but it assesses the crucial ability of strategic decision-making. A similar misleading game is the next one, but don’t let its simplicity fool you, as it evaluates your processing speed.

Keypress Game

In the keypress Game, you need to press on the spacebar as many times as you can in a limited time.



For the Pymetrics keypress game, you need to repeatedly press on the spacebar as quickly as you can from the moment you see the message “GO” and stop the moment you see the loading page, indicating that the game is over. As this game assesses your ability to process information, you have to be careful not to press the spacebar before you see the “GO” and not after the time runs out. This game also assesses your pressing speed, indicating your lateralized coordination.

The ability to quickly process information is necessary for a wide range of positions, from traders who need to quickly process information and make decisions based on that information, to financial advisors who help clients with their financial planning.

As opposed to the Keypress Pymetrics game, which requires your attention but not complicated thought, the next one is a bit more challenging, as it assesses your pattern recognition.

Cards Game

In the card game, you will be presented with four decks of cards.

In every draw, you can either earn money:



 or lose money:



For the Pymetrics card game, you can win or lose when drawing a card. As you progress, you’ll start recognising patterns, helping you make better choices to earn more money.


What is the goal of the Cards Game?

This test measures two main competencies – risk and pattern recognition. At first, before you recognise a pattern in the decks, you are demonstrating your risk tolerance; hence you can’t know in advance which card will win or lose. After a few draws, you will recognise that every deck has its own pattern. Thus, by implementing your new knowledge, you can maximise your profit. 


How Can You Get the Best Result in The Cards Game?

To your outcome, you need to practice and have a few tricks up your sleeve to quickly recognise each deck’s pattern. The card game Practice from our Pymetrics Practice Pack simulates the exact game, enabling you to learn how to recognise patterns and maximize your outcome without taking excessive risks.

For a price starting at £49, you can access and familiarise yourself with each of the 12 Pymetrics games. This will allow you to understand the specific obstacles in each one, and develop the abilities you need to demonstrate to land the job, such as the fast pattern recognition required in the card game.

As in this game, the following game also assesses your learning ability, but also your ability to pay attention to details. 

Lengths Game

In the Pymetrics lengths game, you will be presented with two images of a face –

  • >When recognising a face with a short mouth, you need to press the left arrow key.
  • When recognising a face with a long mouth, you need to press the right arrow key.

In some rounds of the game, you will earn a reward when answering correctly.

Can you identify which of the faces has the longer mouth? 



For the Pymetrics lengths game, you are assessed for your attentional ability as you are required to recognise within a short time whether the face has a short or long mouth. Simple as it might look, this is quite a challenge as the lengths of the mouth differ by only 10%.

In addition, the game also assesses your motivation and checks if you are after the reward or after getting the correct answer.

Attention to detail is a demanded quality in many roles, including auditing, which requires notice every minute, and accounting, a position in which you are responsible for maintaining accurate financial records.

Another vital quality for those positions is a good memory, which is what the next game assesses.

Digit Memory Game

In the digits memory game, you will be presented with a sequence of numbers. You will need to remember the sequence and type the digits in the same order. In each round, the sequence will become longer and harder to memorize.


Let’s try an easy one: 



And now take a shot at a harder one: 



For the Pymetrics Digits Memory Game, you need to memorize as many digits as possible while the sequences get longer and more challenging to remember in every round. If that is not hard enough, the digits change fast, and you have only a short time to memorize them.

As its name suggests, this game assesses your memory. This ability is essential in almost every job, from Portfolio Managers that need to track various investments and their performance to Financial Planners that need to recall their clients’ financial goals, risk tolerance, and past investment.

Until now, most of the Pymetrics games we’ve seen assessed various cognitive abilities and competencies, such as your memory ability in the digits memory game. The next and final game is quite different, as it evaluates your emotional intelligence.

Faces Game

In the faces game, you will be presented with pictures of faces with different expressions and a list of words that describe the emotion in the picture.

Some pictures will be accompanied by a brief story that describes a situation, other pictures will be shown on their own, without context.



You will need to choose the word that best reflects the emotion in the picture.



For the Pymetrics faces game, you need to identify the emotion of other people as you are assessed for your emotional intelligence and empathy for others. Looks easy, doesn’t it? Well, sometimes the story accompanying the picture is deliberately confusing and even contradicts the immediate choice. In other cases, there is more than one word that can describe the facial expression, and sometimes there is no distinctive word that can describe the feeling you identified.

Despite all these obstacles, a few hints can help you recognize the real emotions behind any facial expression. Our PrePack provides insight into the theory of body language and facial expression, which will teach you where to look and to what details you need to focus on identifying the exact emotion in front of you.

How to Prepare for the Pymetrics Test?

The Pymetrics test is not another ability assessment but an algorithm-based test comprises of a series of online games. Even though interactive and even fun, each game is smartly crafted to evaluate your cognitive abilities, characteristics, and >behaviours, such as memory, attention, decision-making, and risk tolerance. The gathered information is combined to create a cohesive candidate profile, which is then compared to the role description and qualifications to ensure you are the perfect match for the job.

Full Online Pymetrics Practice Tests & Guidance

To familiarize yourself with all the Pymetrics games' unique features and challenges, our Full Pymetrics Preparation Pack accurately simulates the Pymetrics games. Starting at 69$, you can get a head start over the other applicants and maximize your potential score.

Our Pymetrics Test comprehensive PrepPack includes –

  • 12 Pymetrics Games simulations to enhance your abilities and boost your confidence before taking the Pymetrics assessment.
  • Detailed explanations of each test guide you in addressing each game to demonstrate your traits and abilities best, considering the job you applied for. 
  • Tips and tricks on how to formulate the best strategy for each game.
  • Performance feedback allows you to review your strengths and weaknesses and where to focus your efforts.