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Inductive reasoning tests are used to assess your level of general intelligence and creativity. As such, they are pictorial based and you have to work out and recognize different patterns in order to be able to choose the correct answer from the choice you are given. In general terms, you have approximately 30 seconds to answer each question. However, this does vary widely from test provider to test provider.
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Inductive reasoning tests are a common type of aptitude or psychometric tests used to assess your level of general intelligence and creativity. This test is designed to emphasize your capacity for learning and applying new information.
On this type of test you'll be presented with diagrams in a sequence or matrix, then asked to recognizing the patterns the given time limit.
Receiving a high score on this test requires sharpening your logical skills and learning the most common logical rules you'll need to look out for.
Learn more about abstract reasoning tests and other aptitude assessments in our aptitude test practice guide.
Below you will find two sample inductive reasoning question examples. These questions are in a similar style to what you will see on an actual inductive reasoning test.
Use these questions and the following answer explanations to familiarize yourself with the test format and answering style.
The answer is:
All triangles “move” slightly counter-clockwise and outside. A good solving tip would be to try and disassemble the complete figure to its elements (triangles) and to focus each time on one of the elements.
The answer is:
The logic: An X shape is dotted with black and white dots. Both sets of dots are independent and follow a similar pattern. In each frame, a black dot is added counter-clockwise in the angles of the X shape, until all the angles are occupied. Then a dot is reduced, also counter-clockwise. The same pattern occurs with the white dots, only in a clockwise manner.
Examining the changes before and after, the “question mark” figure should look the same as in frame 2, only with an additional black dot (making all four black dots present) and an additional white dot in the upper right corner, as determined by the pattern.
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There are several tips that you should keep in mind prior to taking an inductive logical thinking test. These include:
Job-seeking can be a long and frustrating process, often taking months and involving numerous pre-employment tests and interviews. To guide you through it, we offer a Premium Membership.
Passing your inductive reasoning test will all come down to how you have chosen to prepare.
The best way to go about preparing for this and any test will be to practise beforehand. We offer a wide range of practice materials to ensure you are prepared come test day.
These materials include inductive reasoning practice tests, study guides, solving strategies and more. Our inductive reasoning PrepPacks™ are useful to your learning process as they:
Receiving a high passing score on your inductive reasoning test will better your chances of landing the job you want.
Using our in-depth PrepPacks™ will not only boost your test-taking ability but your overall chances of success.
We at JobTestPrep find the assessment tests world highly diverse and fascinating. If you are looking to deepen your knowledge in the aptitude tests world, or you want some extra practice before your test, we've got you covered!
Check out these fantastic free practice tests (all are completely free):
Free Aptitude Test | Free Psychometric Test | Free Numerical Reasoning Test | Free Verbal Reasoning Test | Free Cognitive Test | Free Critical Thinking Test | Free Abstract Reasoning Test | Free Spatial Reasoning Tets | Free Personality Test | Free Inductive Test | Free Mechanical Reasoning Test
Other related tests: Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test
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