Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test (A-RAT 3R): Free Examples and Tips [2024]

The Hudson Abstract Reasoning Ability Test (often called the a-rat 3r) is an assessment designed to test an individual's non-verbal intelligence and ability to discern patterns in abstract data.

To ensure you are prepared for the a-rat 3r, we have developed a Hudson Abstract Reasoning PrepPack, which includes practice tests, answer explanations, and detailed score reports. Our PrepPack will help you to identify the areas you need to focus on for the assessment and to ensure you will be fully prepared and confident. The PrepPack includes:

  • 3 Hudson a-rat 3r Full Test Simulations - allowing you to practice the actual test's time constraints, formatting, and content and determine your weak spots. 
  • 9 Additional Practice Tests - covering all the topics and sections you'll face in the Hudson Abstract Reasoning Exam. You'll be able you use these practice tests to thoroughly practice the issues you are weaker on, as revealed in the full test simulations.
  • A-rat 3r Study Guides - providing you with a thorough understanding of the theory behind each test section as well as the most effective techniques for answering questions. 

During the past five years, JobTestPrep prepared hundreds of people for their Hudson Assessments! We constantly update our PrepPacks to provide the most accurate prep.

-Scroll down for more valuable info, expert tips and free Hudson practice tests-


Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test

Our PrepPack Includes:

  • 3 Hudson a-rat 3r Full Test Simulations
  • 9 Additional Practice Tests:
    • 6 Diagrammatic Reasoning Practice Tests
    • 3 Diagrammatic Thinking Practice Tests
  • a-rat 3r Study Guides



May, Hudson Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is The Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test

The a-rat 3r includes 12 questions, with 90 seconds given to answer each one. You will be presented with a sequence of shapes known as original figures and final figures, with the original figures changing in up to 5 ways, depending on which operations they underwent.

Your job will be to identify which function key leads to which action, and then point to the final figure. Unlike other abstract reasoning tests you may have encountered in the past, the a-rat 3r will push your abstract thinking to the limit by asking you to follow numerous changes in different factors at the same time.


What Are the Function Keys?

The function keys or F-keys control the operations which alter the original shape’s characteristics: color, size, position, direction, lines and more. They will appear as empty (no function) or filled (activated function) circles on a scale of five circles between the original and final figures and will be numbered according to their place (F-1 for the first in line etc.). This is what it will look like:


Function key sample arat


In this example, function keys 3 (third from left) and 5 (fifth from left) are activated, while the other unfilled function keys are not


The function keys are part of what makes the Hudson a-rat 3r so unique in comparison to other abstract reasoning tests, and understanding what they do will be the most challenging part of the questions. Therefore, getting acquainted with them through repeated practice can significantly impact your chances of passing the Hudson Abstract Reasoning Ability Test.


Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test Examples, Answers, and Tips:

Get a better picture of what you will be facing with the sample questions below, followed by the kind of explanations and tips you can expect when purchasing the JobTestPrep PrepPackTM - specifically and accurately designed to simulate the difficulty and pressure of the Hudson a-rat 3r as closely as possible.

Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test Sample Question #1

Hudson A-RAT sample question 1
Hudson A-RAT sample question 1 answers

 Click below to choose the answer:






View Explanation

The question requires you to find the operations of F-key 3.
Looking at the base screen, you can see that it appears on the second row, along with F-key 5, so you would need to find F-key 5 as well. To do that, all you need to do is compare the second with the third row, which also uses F-key 5, and see which operation they have in common.
Start with the second row: it seems the figures there move one step to the left (the middle figure moves to the left, the rightmost figure moves to the middle, and the leftmost figure “goes around” to the right), and changes its colour. Now look at the third row: the figures change their shapes (the triangles turn to diamonds and the diamond turns to a triangle), as well as change their colour. Because the figures in both rows change their colour, you can conclude that is what F-key 5 does, and that F-key 3 must move the figures one step to the left.

Now look at the question figures again, and find the answer choice that follows this rule. The figures should all look the same, and just move one step to the left.
The correct answer is (2).

*Tip: note that this question included information that was not needed to arrive at the answer: F-key 1, and the first row. This is why glancing at the question before you begin examining the base screen is important and can save time.

Hudson Abstract Reasoning Ability Test Sample Question #2

Hudson A-RAT Sample question 2
Hudson A-RAT sample question 2 answers

 Click below to choose the answer:






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The question requires you to find the operations of F-keys 2, 4 and 5.
Before you start to randomly figure out all the operations of the F-keys, look at the base screen and try to come up with the fastest path to the answer:
The first row uses both F-keys 4 and 5, so it can already give you two thirds of the solution. You can see that the figures in this row change their size and colour, so, although you do not which is which, you do have the operations of F-keys 4 and 5, and now you just need to figure out what F-key 2 does.
Look at the base screen again: F-key 2 appears on the second and third row. It would be much easier to use the third row, since the only other F-key there is 4. You can see that the figures in the third row change their colour (as did the figures in the first row) as well as rotated 45° (since they are symmetrical, it does not matter to which direction). This, then, must be the operation of F-key 2.

Now that you have all three operations, look at the question figures and figure out what the answer should look like. They should change their size and colour, and rotate 45°.
The correct answer is (4).

*Tip 1: note that this question included information that was not needed to arrive at the answer: F-key 1. This is why glancing at the question before you begin examining the base screen is important.

*Tip 2: note that in some questions you do not have to figure out all the F-keys to arrive at the correct answers, and can use elimination instead. For example here, finding F-keys (4) and (5) is actually enough: once you know the figures must change both their size and their colour, answer (4) is the only possible correct answer. Of course, you cannot predict when you will be able to do this, but keep an eye out for questions where this is possible.

Get Prepared with Our Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test PrepPack

Unique tests require unique preparation, and our Hudson a-rat 3r PrepPack offers just that – not another generic abstract reasoning preparation but true-to-source, accurate simulations that will give you the closest taste of the real a-rat 3r as you can find. Designed based on years of experience and expertise, our specialised PrepPack™ offers: 

• 3 full-length, accurate Hudson abstract reasoning practice tests
• 9 additional diagrammatic drills with additional abstract reasoning test questions
• Abstract reasoning test guide
• Every question is followed by detailed explanations and tips, and our designated test expert is always standing by to answer any further questions you might have.

What Makes the A-RAT 3R Unique and Challenging?

Unlike other abstract reasoning tests which use more traditional types of questions such as “Next in Series” or matrices, the Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test requires you to identify and mentally process numerous parallel changes in multiple areas. Furthermore, there is a time limit for each question as opposed to the more common method of a general time limit for the whole test. Put together, these factors can be overwhelming and stressful, and without thorough and accurate preparation they could negatively affect your score.


The Hudson A-RAT 3R: Tips and Hacks

Many people have found themselves confused and even overwhelmed by the questions they face in the Hudson a-rat 3r. Here are some useful tips you should remember when it is your turn to take this challenging test:

• Look at the question! This might sound obvious, but thoroughly examining the problem in front of you will help you avoid misleading answers frequently put in place to take you off track.
• Now check out the answers: once you are sure the question is clear to you, go over each answer to see if you can quickly eliminate some as a possibility.

• Use scrap paper: help yourself out by writing down what you have already understood about the question on a piece of paper. This will help you in two ways:

   1. Abstract reasoning tests include questions are packed with information designed to overload your brain and test your lateral thinking. Writing down the things you have already figured out on scrap paper will guarantee you don’t forget anything and allow you to move on to other parts of the question.
   2. Visualizing the many possible changes to the shapes can be tricky, so drawing them can be a huge help and reduce the load on your brain.

• Deal with one figure at a time: take your time to eliminate one option at a time – it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the possible answers.
• Do the bare minimum: you don’t need to understand every answer. Focus on what you know and move on – understanding every aspect of each image will bog you down and likely tire you.

Apart from abstract reasoning tests, Hudson also provides other tests. Check out our designated pages and practice tests for those:

  • Hudson Numerical Reasoning Ability Test - Numerical reasoning tests are used by many top employers in their recruitment process, and Hudson's version is particularly challenging. In this aptitude test you are given numerical information in tables or graphs, and asked to select the correct answer.  
  • Hudson Verbal Reasoning Test - In Hudson's verbal reasoning test you are required to read complex tests and answer challenging questions in only 90 seconds. You are also given a new text to read and understand for each question, further stretching your verbal reasoning ability. 

*Note that Hudson tests are sometimes administered along with a personality test