AI Recruitment: The Only ATS for Fast and Precise Candidate Matching

Securing top talent in today's competitive job market is challenging. Conventional recruitment methods often miss opportunities, prolong hiring, and create talent deficits, affecting organizational growth. The need for a more efficient, accurate, and streamlined recruitment approach is urgent. Enter AI Recruitment, a revolutionary Applicant Tracking System set to transform hiring:

  1. CV Analyser: Uses AI and NLP to evaluate resumes based on semantic relationships, not just keywords. It learns and improves over time, enhancing accuracy in finding the perfect match for the position and the company.
  2. Customised Hiring Pipeline: Allows the creation of tailored hiring processes with built-in screening tools (questionnaires, assessment tests, online interviews) and customisable steps, which you can add or remove based on the position’s demands.
  3. Recommended Candidates: Sets passing scores for each stage of the hiring pipeline, automatically or manually advancing candidates. Highlights best candidates based on set criteria, saving valuable time and effort for both recruiters and candidates.
  4. Dashboard: Displays all applicants, CVs, and scores from each hiring stage. It prioritises recommended candidates and facilitates quick communication with top talent.

Advantages of AI Recruitment ATS:

  • All-in-one solution
  • Automatic screening for faster talent identification
  • Improved accuracy through AI learning
  • Customisable to company needs
  • Efficient communication tools

CV Analyser

The ATS CV analyser assesses a candidate's resume against the job description by examining semantic relationships instead of just relying on keyword matching. Unlike traditional CV analysers, which focus on specific keywords, this advanced AI tool, based on an NLP model, identifies logical connections within the text. This approach offers a more comprehensive view of the candidate's experiences and abilities, ensuring the resume content aligns closely with the job description for a more accurate assessment of the candidate's qualifications.

Furthermore, the AI system continuously learns and improves. It updates the suitability levels of candidates' resumes as they advance through stages like interviews and salary offers. As more candidates pass through the system, the accuracy of the resume suitability score improves, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the CV analyser.

cv analyser

Employer Questionnaire

Through the ATS, candidates receive a brief HR questionnaire covering essential job-fit questions typically addressed during initial interviews, such as years of experience, salary expectations, availability, and other position-specific details. you can customise the questionnaire by selecting from the system's question bank or adding tailored questions of your own.

This initial screening tool helps prioritise relevant candidates from the outset, allowing you to assess immediately whether candidates meet basic position requirements. It replaces the need for initial phone interviews, saving time for both you and the candidates.

Cognitive Test

Candidates undergo a brief cognitive assessment consisting of 9 questions to be answered in 6 minutes. This assessment evaluates problem-solving skills, intelligence levels, and the ability to learn independently – crucial predictors of job success. Each candidate receives a random selection of questions from a pool of 100, ensuring variety and fairness.

This efficient and comprehensive ATS feature quickly gauges a candidate's potential for success, adding objective data to the hiring process. This initial screening stage filters out candidates scoring below a certain threshold using a short test to prevent drop-off. The system highlights top candidates, moving them up on the dashboard to save time. Statistically validated test results ensure those in the top 30% are at a higher cognitive level, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in identifying the best candidates.

cognitive test
video interview

Video Interview

This stage of the hiring pipeline features an online video interview in which candidates record their responses to two HR questions. This allows you to evaluate communication skills, body language, and the content of responses.

This comprehensive early-stage evaluation provides valuable insights into candidates' interpersonal skills and suitability for the role while allowing for human judgment in the screening process.

Home Assignments and Assessment Tests

To evaluate specific position-related qualities and abilities, you can add a home assignment to the hiring pipeline and implement external pre-employment assessments (e.g., SHL, Aon), such as full cognitive tests, technical ability tests, coding tests, personality questionnaires, etc.

Personality Test

Candidate Dashboard

The AI Recruitment ATS presents a comprehensive dashboard that centralises all recruitment data, offering an efficient management tool for the entire hiring process.
Once your hiring pipeline is set, the dashboard displays all applicants, their CVs, and the scores received at each step. Recommended candidates are automatically placed at the top of the list, providing immediate visibility of the most qualified individuals.

This centralised ATS ensures that top talent is prioritised, which is crucial for swift action in a competitive market. You have easy access to critical candidate details and tools for managing advanced recruitment stages, such as inviting candidates for interviews, recording opinions in candidate files, and establishing quick contact via multiple channels (WhatsApp, email, phone, video call).

Personalized Recruitment

AI Recruitment offers customisable workflows tailored to organisational needs. You can modify stages and seamlessly integrate with communication tools and calendars.

The system allows you to create a personalized hiring pipeline that includes various stages like CV analysis, employer questionnaires, cognitive tests, video interviews, phone interviews, home assignments, and frontal interviews. Each stage of the hiring pipeline can be adjusted based on the position's and the company's specific needs, eliminating the need for external providers.

hiring pipeline
AI learning

AI and Continuous Improvement

Powered by AI and data-driven insights, the system continuously learns and adapts with each interaction, improving efficiency and accuracy in candidate selection over time. Analysing semantic relationships within resumes and job descriptions goes beyond keyword matching to offer a deeper, more comprehensive assessment of a candidate's fit. As candidates advance through the recruitment process, their data, including interviews and job offers, updates the system, refining its understanding and improving the accuracy of future evaluations. This ongoing improvement ensures that the ATS becomes more adept at identifying the most suitable candidates, making the recruitment process increasingly efficient and precise.

Why Choose AI Recruitment?

  • Speed and Precision: Swift and accurate candidate sourcing ensures a competitive edge in recruitment.
  • Comprehensive Screening: Ensures thorough evaluation of all candidates, regardless of submission timing.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Simplifies candidate sorting and information gathering, facilitating quicker decision-making.
  • Adaptability: Tailored solutions for organisations of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.
  • All-In-One Solution: Developed by Noam Institute, offering a comprehensive suite of assessments and tools for enhanced user experience.

    With over three decades of expertise in workforce optimization, Noam Institute's AI Recruitment stands as a reliable, innovative solution for modern hiring needs.