Ace Your Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT) With Accurate Practice & Guides

The Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT test) is not an easy exam.

Besides the limited time constraint, the difficulty level of the questions increases as the test progresses.

Since you have less than 25 seconds per question, practising as much as possible is your key to success.

Luckily, our experts created an accurate prep that will help you ace your test. It includes:

⦿ Every Revelian test question type and ONLY Revelian question types
Practice tests that are a replica of the real RCAT, so you know precisely what to expect
⦿ Detailed explanations that will teach you how to solve each question as fast as possible

If you’d like to learn how to ace your RCAT Test, I’m certain you’ll find this prep super useful.

Let’s start!

Revelian Cognitive Tests
Less Content
  • Full RCAT Diagnostic Test
  • 9 Complete Revelian Study Guides
  • Video Tutorials
  • 4 Revelian Cognitive Ability Test Simulations
  • 10 Number Series Tests
  • 7 Numerical Drills
  • 13 Vocabulary Practice Drills
  • 5 Abstract Reasoning Practice Drills
  • 9 Word Problems Practice drills
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What Is the Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT)?

The Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT), formerly known as the Onetest, is composed of 51 questions and has a 20-minute time limit. The RCAT includes 3 different types of questions: verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning, with the difficulty level increasing as you get farther along in the test.

There are no penalties for wrong answers, so making calculated guesses are encouraged when aiming to answer as many questions as possible. 


Taking Revelian gamified tests? the Cognify test is a collection of six different games measuring problem-solving, numerical reasoning, and verbal reasoning. It is often given with the Emotify test, which assesses emotional intelligence through 3 tests.  

Your 3-Test Simulation Plan to Pass the RCAT

The following 3-test plan will maximize your learning, even if your test is tomorrow. Have more time? Use it to practise some more!

  • Take the 1st simulation to learn your chances of success and identify your weak spots.
  • Go over the answers and explanations to learn the RCAT’s unique solving techniques.
  • Practise RCAT-tailored practice material accompanying the simulations to strengthen your weakest areas.
  • Take the 2nd simulation to assess your progress.
  • Got more time? Practise some more Revelian-tailored material to further hone your skill.
  • Take the 3rd simulation on the evening before the test to get focused and confident before the actual exam.

What to Avoid During the Revelian Test?

When taking the Revelian Cognitive Ability Test, avoid taking too long attempting to answer a specific question. Your worst enemy in the RCTA is the time limit, which allows you less than 25 seconds per question. The goal is to answer as many questions correctly as possible, so getting stuck on one particular question may take up the time you could use to answer the following ones.

Remember, you can take an educated guess if you aren't sure what the correct answer is. If you have more time by the end, you can always go back to spend more time on that question. 

What Obstacles Do Test-Takers Encounter?

The RCAT is not an easy test. Besides the limited time issue, the questions increase in difficulty as the test progresses. Another challenge the RCAT presents stems from its structure, since it consists of several types of questions that can appear in any order.

Thus, you have to quickly change your mindset when facing the different types of questions, which can take a few precious seconds off of your test time. Another specific difficulty presented on the RCAT is the open format of its numerical questions, which don't offer answer options to guess from.

How to Get the Highest Score?

Practising will help familiarise you with all question types, so you can spend the shortest time possible on answering correctly. It's important that you get to know all three test sections so that you can find which areas are more difficult for you. Thus, you will know which subjects you need to focus your time and effort on when preparing for the actual Revelian test.

To succeed in the numerical section of the RCAT, you will need to solve problems quickly without a calculator. You will also not be given answer options to guess from. For this reason, practising is essential. Remember, your main goal is to answer as many questions correctly as possible, so try not to get stuck when you could always take a guess and go back later.

6 Expert Revelian Test Solving Tips

1. There is no penalty for getting an answer wrong. So, it is more beneficial to guess than leave an answer blank.

2. Always read the instructions carefully to ensure you are not missing an important detail that could lead you to the wrong answer.

3. Revelian does not allow the use of calculators for the RCAT and numerical reasoning sections. Practise calculating techniques with a pen and paper before sitting the test.

4. Revelian's cognitive ability test allows you to return to any skipped questions. A good strategy to use is to quickly answer all the easy questions first, and then go back to answer the more difficult ones. Remember, not answering at all and answering incorrectly are both scored as a one-point reduction, so it's best to guess instead of leaving a question unanswered.

5. The RCAT and Revelian's reasoning tests display a timer, as well as the number of remaining questions. While it is rare to complete all the given questions, practise managing your time and aim to complete as many questions as you can in the time allotted.

6. Brush up on your high school maths. Go over the basic algebraic concepts to ensure you do not become stumped during the test.

Note: Find additional tips and tricks before each sample question below.

Which Revelian Test Are You Looking For?

JobTestPrep's Revelian Cognitive Ability Test PrepPack™ includes material for all three sections of the full RCAT test: Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Abstract Reasoning. You may be required to sit only one or two of these sections. In that case, focus your preparation only on the sections you will sit.

✻ RCAT Numerical Reasoning

   ✔ Word Problems
   ✔ Number Series

✻ RCAT Verbal Reasoning

   ✔  Synonyms & Antonyms
   ✔  Odd Word Out
   ✔  Word Analogies
   ✔  Logic

✻ RCAT Abstract Reasoning
   ✔ Odd two out

1) Revelian Numerical Reasoning

The Revelian numerical reasoning test consists of a combination of word problems and number series questions. The difficulty level increases as you answer questions correctly. The Revelian cognitive ability test questions are not in the multiple-choice format. Rather, you will have to manually work through problems and supply an answer to each question. Use a pen and paper to perform your calculations. 


Word Problems

RCAT word problems consist of a short passage or a few sentences outlining a numerical situation. Your mission is to identify the relevant numerical elements, build an equation and then solve the question.

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems: 

Extract the relevant data from the question and write or draw it in an organised way which you can quickly understand.
Mark the variable whose value you need to find.
Set up a formula – convert words into mathematical language.

 Sample Question

Dave picked 3 times as many apples as Harvey, and Bob picked 2 times as many apples as Harvey. If Dave picked 39 apples, how many apples did Bob pick? 

✔️ The correct answer is 26 apples.

If Dave picked 3 times as many apples as Harvey and Harvey picked x apples, then Dave picked 3x apples. If Bob picked 2 times as many apples as Harvey, then Bob picked 2x apples.

Harvey – x apples
Bob – 2x apples
Dave – 3x apples

If Dave picked 39 apples, then 3x = 39 à x = 13.

Harvey – x = 13 apples
Bob – 2x = 2 * 13 = 26 apples
Dave – 3x = 3 * 13 = 39 apples

The question asks how many apples Bob picked. Thus, the correct answer is 26 apples.



  1. Extract the relevant data from the question and write it down or draw it in an organised way you can quickly understand.
  2. Mark the variable whose value you need to find.
  3. Set up a formula – convert words into mathematical language.

Columns & Rows 

Numerical square is a sub-type of Numerical Series in which each row and each column follow a certain rule. You have to find this rule and supply the missing data point (marked by a question mark).

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:

In most cases, the logical rule for the rows is distinct from the rule for the columns. So, choose either to focus on the columns or on the rows and stick to your choice. This will reduce confusion.
 First, find the numbers that hide in the boxes containing 3 black dots. This will help you recognise the rule more easily.
Validate the correctness of your answer by placing the numbers in the square and seeing if they also fulfil the other rule in the square you choose not to focus on.


Sample Question

What is the missing number that should take the place of the question mark? 

revelian cognitive numerical reasoning sample question

✔️ The correct answer is 50.

There are two ways to solve this kind of problem:

Solution #1: Look at the columns. In the left column, 47 – 3 = 44. In the middle column, 36 – 3 = 33. The pattern is that you subtract 3 as you move down a column.

Thus, ? – 3 = 47 à ? = 50.

Solution #2: Look at the rows. In the top row, 36 – 14 = 22.

In the middle row, 47 – 14 = 33. The pattern is that you subtract 14 as you move left to right across a row.

Thus, ? – 14 = 36 à ? = 50.

Therefore, the correct answer is 50.


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Number Series

Number series questions allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the reasoning behind a set of numbers that are applicable to a particular rule. The questions can be found in 2 different formats: number line and numbers in columns and rows (usually in a 3 by 3 table).


Number Line 

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:

Look at the sequence presented and try to recognize the sequence type – in this case: a rising number sequence, with some terms' repetition.
Try to figure out the logical rule behind the sequence and the arithmetic operations needed in order to find the missing term.
Look between the terms of the sequence presented – for example, in this question, the difference between consecutive terms implies what the missing term should be.

Sample Question

What is the missing number that should take the place of the question mark?

3  | 8  | 8  | ? | 13  | 18  | 18 

✔️ The correct answer is 13.

The first three numbers are 3, 8, and 8.

The last three numbers are 13, 18, and 18.

This suggests that the pattern is +5 and then repeat the number.

Thus, 3 + 5 = 8 and then another 8. 13 + 5 = 18 and then another 18.

This suggests that the ? shou�ld be 8 + 5 = 13.

Just like with the other numbers, 13 appears twice in a row.

Therefore, the correct answer is 13.

Columns & Rows 

Numerical square is a sub-type of Numerical Series in which each row and each column follow a certain rule. You have to find this rule and supply the missing data point (marked by a question mark).

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:

In most cases, the logical rule for the rows is distinct from the rule for the columns. So, choose either to focus on the columns or on the rows and stick to your choice. This will reduce confusion.
 First, find the numbers that hide in the boxes containing 3 black dots. This will help you recognise the rule more easily.
Validate the correctness of your answer by placing the numbers in the square and seeing if they also fulfil the other rule in the square you choose not to focus on.


Sample Question

What is the missing number that should take the place of the question mark? 

revelian cognitive numerical reasoning sample question

✔️ The correct answer is 50.

There are two ways to solve this kind of problem:

Solution #1: Look at the columns. In the left column, 47 – 3 = 44. In the middle column, 36 – 3 = 33. The pattern is that you subtract 3 as you move down a column.

Thus, ? – 3 = 47 à ? = 50.

Solution #2: Look at the rows. In the top row, 36 – 14 = 22.

In the middle row, 47 – 14 = 33. The pattern is that you subtract 14 as you move left to right across a row.

Thus, ? – 14 = 36 à ? = 50.

Therefore, the correct answer is 50.


Do you want to ace the Revelian test? If so, practising with a real simulation test instead of a generic exam is the right way to go >>



2) Revelian Verbal Reasoning

RCAT Verbal reasoning questions are geared to test your vocabulary and word usage abilities along with relationships between words and sentences.

These questions will be in multiple-choice format (thank god). But don't celebrate just yet, some questions require you to mark more than one answer.

Let's get to business.


Synonyms & Antonyms

Revelian's synonyms and antonyms questions aim to test your vocabulary and their relationship between the words.

Here, you will be presented with 2 words and 3 answers. You will respond by identifying if the 2-word examples are similar, opposite or not similar at all.

Sample Question

Imperious ; Subservient

  1. Have neither similar nor opposite meaning
  2. Have similar meaning
  3. Have opposite meaning

✔️ The correct answer is (3).

The word imperious describes someone who is marked by arrogant assurance.

The word subservient describes someone who is submissive and inferior.

Odd Word Out

Revelian test odd word out questions are similar to synonyms and antonyms questions. The difference is that synonyms and antonyms present a list of 6 words that appear to be related.

Your job is to mark 2 words that are different from the rest.

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:

The 2 odd words commonly differ from the rest in one of 3 aspects:
Grammar – maybe they are verbs while the others are nouns?
Meaning – maybe all words but the 2 given are synonyms?
Category – maybe all words but those given belong to same class of or subject?

What if the question includes a word you do not know?

Ignore it and try to find the commonality for the words you do know.
Then ask yourself the following: check:
Are there 2 words that do not belong? if the unfamiliar word is not one of the two odd word, you’ve got your answer.
Can you only find 1 word that does not belong? That means the unfamiliar word is very likely one of the 2 odd words.

Sample Question

4 of the following are alike in some way. Please choose the other 2:

  1. Cougar
  2. Sheep
  3. Cow
  4. Moose
  5. Porcupine
  6. Beaver

✔️ The correct answers are (2) and (3).

This question can be solved by thinking about the characteristics of each of the animals.

In this case, both Sheep (2) and Cow (3) are domesticated animals, whereas Cougars (1), Moose (4), Porcupine (5), and Beaver (6) have never been domesticated and generally live in the wild.

Word Analogies

Word Analogies also aim to test your vocabulary and ability to understand and define relationships between words and their meanings. In these questions, you will be presented with a pair of words that have a certain relationship. Your task is to pick which of the answer options has the same relationship to a given word as do the two in the first pair. There are five optional answers, only one of which is correct. 

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:

The first step when solving analogy questions should always be to define the relationship between the given words, so you can pick the answer which replicates the same relationship.
One of the best ways to define the relationship between the words in an analogy is to place them in a sentence that defined that relationship.
After you defined a sentence, place the possible answers in that same sentence. Do not change it! If you change the sentence, you won't be able to pick an answer which contains the same relationship as do the given pair of words.
✻ It is important to maintain the correct order. You can change the original order of the words when you build your sentence, but then you have to make the same change to the possible answers.


Sample Question

Train is to Board as Horse is to…

A) Ride
B) Saddle
C) Stable
D) Spur
E) Mount

The correct answer is (E).

Boarding is the process of getting on a Train, as Mounting is the process of getting on a Horse.


Logical questions begin with a fact. You will need to choose 2 out of 5 given statements to prove that the fact is correct.

expert tips
 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:
In this type of question, it’s important to read through all the answer choices.

Some statements will appear to be irrelevant until you combine them with a later statement.

Remember that you must find 2 statements that prove the given fact.

If 2 statements only make the fact likely or probable, they are not the correct answer.

Look for keywords in the question: In the sample question, the fact deals with a meeting at 10 am.

This means that one of the statements must also include information about 10 am.


Sample Question

Which two of the following statements PROVE that Alex has a meeting at 10:00 AM tomorrow?

  1. Alex will drink coffee tomorrow
  2. Alex usually has a meeting with his boss every morning
  3. Alex drinks coffee only at meetings at 10:00 AM
  4. Alex is buying coffee beans for himself to use for a meeting
  5. Alex’s boss has a meeting at 10:00 AM

✔️ The correct answers are (1) and (3).

Since Alex will drink coffee tomorrow (1) and he drinks coffee only when attending a meeting at 10:00 AM (3), it follows that he has a meeting at 10:00 AM tomorrow.

It is important to not get distracted by statements that may relate or suggest, but do not conclusively prove that Alex has a meeting tomorrow at 10:00 AM, as was the case with answer choices (2), (4) and (5).


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3) Revelian Abstract Reasoning

Abstract reasoning questions (also known as figural reasoning) assess your ability to analyse patterns, solve problems and identify relationships.

The Revelian cognitive ability test's abstract reasoning presents you with 5 or 6 pictures (which may consist of geometric, abstract or figural shapes or drawings), and asks you to decipher which two pictures are different from the rest.

The challenge is in identifying the pattern that unifies the pictures. Once that's done you can more easily locate the two pictures that do not fit in the series.

Odd Two Out

expert tips

 First, read our expert tips before applying them to solve the following problems:

Eliminate distractions: Just remember that the 2 odd items always break the same rule. For example: if one item is pointing in a different direction than all the others and another item has a different number of sides, it is safe to assume that both or one of those items is not the odd one out.

✻ The secret to solving this type of questions is to know what to look for. Look out for changes in the following qualities:

      → Colours 
      → Patterns
      → Direction (where the items are pointing)
      → Orientation (rotation and mirror image)
      → Shape
      → Position
      → Number (of shapes or a certain feature)
      → The order of the objects in a frame or an item.

Try to recognise the pattern these changes form - then look for the 2 items that break this pattern.

Question Sample

Which two of the items below do not belong with the others?


✔️ The correct answer is (1) and (3).

The rule that unites items (2), (4), (5), and (6) is that the number of black dots in each diagonal line matches the number of white squares.

In each item there is an additional dot, but since it is identical in all the items, it is a distraction.

Item (1) is different because it has two more black dots in the diagonal line than there are white squares behind it – 6 dots and only 4 squares.
Item (3), on the other hand, is missing one black dot in the its line – it only has 4 dots to 5 squares.


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Revelian Test Score Report

The Revelian test consists of 51 questions to perform in 20 minutes. The score you receive in the end of the test is called your raw score. The raw score is the number of questions that you managed to answer correctly. So, if you managed to answer 22 questions correctly your score will be 22.

In actuality the raw score doesn’t say much. In order for the score to convey your skill level your score is compared to other candidates that took the test. Your score will be compared to 3 norm groups: one specific to the industry or jeb-level you’re applying for and two others that are more general.

For example: an engineer that is applying for his first managerial position will be compered to 3 norm groups: 1 for the engineering industry, 1 for entry level managers and 1 for employed adults. The most critical norm group is the most specific. In this case - the engineering industry.

The score report will looks like this:


Level of overall cognitive ability

Comparison score



Engineering Industry

Entry-level Managers

Employed Adults



Far Above Average (92%)

Above Average (87%)

Above Average (82%)

In this example the candidate got 27.  This is a great score, since it’s above 92% of all other test-takers form the engineering industry.

The least influential comparison is to the most general group - employed adults. All the candidates, from all industries and all positions are compered to this group.

So, what score is enough?

A score of 22 will place you on an average score, which is not good enough.
A score of 28 will place you on the top 15% of candidates, which will likely be sufficient for you to continue with the application.
A score of 30 will place you in the top 10% of candidates and will secure your continued application.
As a rule of thumb, for most employers the top 20% of candidates are allowed to continue candidates pass.

  Note:  The score report gives only a general score with no separate scoring for each topic of the test.

So, in case you are weaker at a certain topic, don’t waste time struggling with questions on that topic. Simply guess the answer and continue to the next question.

We Help Over 70,000 People Every Year Get The Score They Need

Don't Lose Time! Practise Your Revelian Cognitive Test Now

100s of Cognitive Ability Test Questions & Solutions 

4 Full Revelian Cognitive Ability Test Simulations
6 Full Practice Tests by Section (numerical, verbal, abstract)
9 Number Series Tests
15 Verbal Practice Drills
5 Abstract Practice Drills
7 Numerical Word Problems Practice drills
9 Comprehensive Study Guides
✓ Money back guarantee


The difficulty of the test increases with how well you answer the questions.

Yes. You'll have 20 minutes to complete 51 questions. This is not enough time to complete them all for hardly anyone.

So don't delay over hard questions and resort to educated guessing. 

There is no specific score required to pass the test. Upon completion, your score will be compared to a group made up of people in your profession.

No. Calculators are not allowed during the test.

No, asking questions during your test is not permitted.

Very few people can answer all the questions. Don’t sweat it if you find you are unable to do so.

No, there are no penalties for answering incorrectly. Thus, if you do not know the answer fully, it is more beneficial to guess than leave the answer blank.

Yes. A good strategy is to answer the questions you do know then return to the more difficult ones later.

Practise! Improve your overall grade by familiarising yourself with test’s format and time limit.

If you decide not to practise beforehand, you can end up wasting precious minutes to get used to the format which can cost you the position.

Furthermore, by not practising under a time constraint, you could panic come testing day.