Are you interested in becoming a paramedic? Many paramedic university courses require you to pass a paramedic psychometric test as part of the application process. Ensure you get the marks you need with JobTestPrep's online practice materials.
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Applying for a paramedic’s course at any of the universities that offer such a scheme? The application process usually involves taking up to two tests: the numeracy test and/or the literacy test. The numeracy test is more common, but some universities require you to take both tests. Testing usually takes place at an interview day, and there may be more than one testing session in your recruitment process. Many universities set a pass mark for their tests. Read your university’s instructions carefully to make sure you know what that mark is.
Paramedics must possess certain skills. The paramedic aptitude tests are designed to assess whether a candidate has the potential to become a paramedic, not what he or she may already know.
Here are some examples of the types of questions you may see on the test:
The questions may come in a variety of forms, but all tests examine the same maths skills. As you cannot use a calculator, possessing quick, sharp maths skills is very important for this assessment.
The paramedic literacy test is a verbal test that contains one or more parts. This test lasts between 20 to 30 minutes and is based on passages of information. The length of these passages varies, but be prepared for some that are several pages long. You must read the passages and then answer questions based on what you have read. These texts can be about any topic, not just paramedic related.
You may be asked several different types of questions on your test, including finding the similar word (synonyms), multiple choice comprehension questions, and even a free writing section.
The paramedic literacy and numeracy test examines your maths ability (understanding and calculating basic functions) and your verbal ability (communicating clearly and understanding written information). JobTestPrep's practice pack was designed specifically to help you prepare for the exam and become a paramedic.
As with any test, practice is vital to receiving the score you desire. JobTestPrep can provide just that. Our pack contains mental arithmetic drills to sharpen your skills, study guides, practice questions, and paramedic–style tests. These tests come with with detailed answer explanations and solving tips for every question.
Since 1992, JobTestPrep has stood for true-to-original online test and assessment centre preparation. Our decades of experience make us a leading international provider of test training. Over one million customers have already used our products to prepare professionally for their recruitment tests.