Prepare for Amazon Management Assessments with JobTestPrep

Are you aiming for a management role at Amazon? Our comprehensive preparation pack is designed to help you excel in the Amazon management assessments, ensuring you stand out during the hiring process. Practise with our all-inclusive PrepPack for the Amazon Pathway Test, Area Manager Assessments, and Operations Manager Assessments.

This page contains sample question, detailed explanations and specific tips that will help you master the skills required for the Amazon assessment test.

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Amazon Area Manager & Operations Manager Assessments

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Complete prep for the Amazon Area Manager, Operations Manager, and Pathways Assessments

Each of the practice tests below comes with full explanations and solving tips:

  • Working With the Team - 2 practice tests
  • Working With Metrics - 4 practice tests
  • Planning for the Team - 1 practice test
  • Work Style Assessment - 1 practice test
  • Work Experiences - practice test & study guide

David, Amazon Test Expert at JobTestPrep
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What to Expect from Amazon Management Assessment?

Amazon’s hiring process for management positions includes rigorous tests and interviews. These assessments evaluate various skills, such as situational judgement, work-related behaviors, numerical reasoning, and leadership potential. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their problem-solving abilities, align with Amazon’s Leadership Principles, and effectively communicate their thought processes. The process is designed to identify individuals who can thrive in a fast-paced, data-driven environment and make impactful decisions that drive the business forward.

What does the Amazon Assessment for Area Manager and Operations Manager Consists Of?

The Amazon Assessment for Area Manager & Operations Manager roles consists of several sections, each evaluating a different aspect of the managerial requirements. In our PrepPack you will find practise tests and study guides for all these sections:

  • Working With the Team – sharpens your understanding and application of Amazon’s Leadership Principles while enhancing your critical thinking and decision-making skills.
  • Working With Metrics – boosts your numerical reasoning and data interpretation abilities, equipping you to tackle metrics-based challenges.
  • Planning for the Team - hones your prioritisation skills, ensuring you can effectively balance tasks while applying Amazon’s Leadership Principles.
  • Work Style Assessment – helps you align with Amazon’s unique culture, evaluating your work style and adaptability according to the company’s standards.
  • Work Experience – guides you in demonstrating the qualities and responses expected of successful managers at Amazon.

Our PrepPack is crafted based on extensive research and insights gathered from hundreds of Amazon candidates, ensuring the practise materials accurately reflect the assessment requirements.

Your Amazon career path starts here:

First Section: Amazon Working With the Team

The assessment features 7-8 scenarios (7 for Operations Managers and 8 for Area Managers), each reflecting real-life challenges and situations that managers may face on the job. It evaluates your critical thinking, judgement, and decision-making abilities, as well as your application of Amazon’s 16 Leadership Principles. There is no time limit for completing each scenario, but once you move forward, you cannot go back to previous scenarios.

Sample Question – Amazon Area Manager & Operations Manager Assessments

You overhear an associate talking to other associates about how job rotations are decided - if your manager doesn’t like you, you’re assigned the bad rotations.

Choose the effectiveness of the following response:

Join the discussion to clarify how job rotations are actually decided. Tell the associates to follow up with you if they have additional concerns.

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The correct answer is (2) - slightly effective.

A confrontational and intrusive approach to resolving low team morale about job rotations is unlikely to result in open, ongoing communication when issues arise. This option is thus of minimal value.

The main Amazon Leadership Principle to be taken into consideration for this scenario is: Strive to be Earth's Best Employer.

The practise pack includes two full simulations for the Working With the Team section, totaling 15 scenarios. Each simulation mirrors the real assessment and provides complete explanations.

Second Section: Amazon Planning for the Team

This section is exclusive to the Operations Manager and Pathways assessments and does not appear in the Area Manager assessment. It features 10 scenarios related to workplace situations, each presented with a 5-point multiple-choice scale. Your task is to choose the most suitable and effective responses that align with Amazon’s culture and Leadership Principles.

Sample Question – Amazon Pathways Test & Operations Manager Assessment

You have half a day’s planning time on a Monday morning. When arriving, several tasks appear, and you are required to choose how to best approach each task to complete it.

Security regulations have been broken by one of your associates. (takes 90 minutes to complete)

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The correct answer is (4).

This task should, in the first instance, be delegated to the relevant Area Manager for sensitive follow-up and feedback. The issue may subsequently need to be delegated to your leader, but basic information gathering should be carried out first.

Security rules are essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of the Amazon systems, and breaches interfere with the key inputs for their business. This issue must be resolved promptly.

Amazon Leadership Principles to consider: #14 Deliver Results, #15 Strive to be Earth's Best Employer

Requiring a meticulous application of Amazon’s Leadership Principles, the “Planning for the Team” section is one of the most challenging parts of the Operations Manager assessment. You’ll also need to navigate three judgement scales: Managing Objectives, People Management, and Corporate Management.

The prep pack features a complete “Planning for the Team” simulation with realistic questions and detailed explanations to help you master this challenging module.

Third Section: Amazon Work Style Assessment

This personality test centres on Amazon’s culture and Leadership Principles, taking about 15-20 minutes to complete. For each question, you’ll choose between two statements, selecting the one that best reflects your preferences and the approach you take to everyday work tasks.

Sample Question – Amazon Manager Assessments

The table shows the sales for different products of a retail store. Select the best response for the question, based on the information from the table:

Product sales by month (in thousands):

Online stores place the hottest product on the main page every month, based on their recent sales. Which product should be put on the main store’s page in October based on this information?

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The table shows five products’ sales numbers across five months. According to the question, hot products are displayed on the website’s main page.

We should be using the given data to look for the best-selling product of the previous month to choose which product is the hottest and is to be placed on the main page.

In this case – the month we should be looking at is September – where the best-selling product, according to the table, is Product E (765,000 sales).

You’ll find a full Work Style Assessment practise simulation (40 questions) in the prep package. Each question is coupled with a detailed explanation, as you saw above.

Fourth Section: Amazon Work Experience

This module consists of 12-16 ranking questions designed to assess various aspects of your professional background, including practical experience, skills, and competencies relevant to the role. While there is no time restriction for completing the questions, it is advisable to answer them promptly and avoid overthinking each response, as the goal is to reflect your natural preferences and experiences. This approach ensures a more accurate evaluation of your qualifications and alignment with the position.

Sample Question – Amazon Assessment Tests for Managerial Roles

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Both these statements highlight the Leadership Principle: Think Big

This principle is associated with the concept of Optimism. Being around negative people is often dampening in both a team and social environment.

Thinking negatively and small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Amazon projects and programs are often fraught with major problems and Leaders are expected to power through these with enthusiasm.

A personality attitude that inspires self and others by maintaining a positive outlook. Optimism empowers team members to think big in all areas when it comes to establishing a superior customer experience.

No one benefits from a pessimistic attitude therefore ‘Most Like Me’ is the best response.

The preparation pack includes a 16-question Work Experience simulation and a comprehensive 12-page study guide, filled with insider information and exclusive tips for solving the questions effectively.

Master Amazon’s managerial assessments with our tailored prep pack, featuring realistic Amazon assessment practise tests, in-depth study guides, and exclusive strategies. Perfect for Amazon Operations and Area Managers, this pack covers situational judgement, numerical reasoning, and Leadership Principles.

What to Expect After Passing the Assessments

Once you clear the Area Manager or Operations Manager assessments (including Pathways), the next step is a series of 2-4 interviews. For Area Managers, one interview typically includes a Maths Flow question, while Operations Managers may face both a Maths Flow question and a Written Exercise. These interviews are designed to evaluate your problem-solving skills, job-specific math abilities, and communication skills, ensuring you’re ready for the challenges at an Amazon Fulfilment Centre.

Preparing for Maths Flow and Written Exercises

The Maths Flow problem can appear during phone or on-site interviews and tests your ability to perform calculations relevant to the fulfilment centre environment. For example, you might be asked to determine production output based on staffing levels and shift breaks. Additionally, candidates for L6-level roles and above, such as Operations Managers, are required to complete a 2-4 page written exercise before the on-site interview. This writing sample assesses your ability to communicate effectively, an essential skill for the role. To prepare for the interviews, review Amazon’s Leadership Principles, incorporating them into your responses.