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People Often Ask Shlomik:


Mechanical Aptitude Tests

Should I Study for My Mechanical Aptitude Test Specifically, or Study Mechanical Concepts in General?

It is always better to practise for your particular test and not use something general.

However, compared with other test types, general mechanical aptitude tests preparation can still help a lot. So, if you don't have accurate prep, general mechanical aptitude preparation is your second-best choice.

Which Mechanical Aptitude Test Am I Most Likely to Take?

The most common mechanical aptitude tests are (in that order):

  • The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test (BMCT)
  • The Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude (WTMA)
  • The Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test (MAT)

Other tests under this category, which are not strictly mechanical are the EEI (Edison Electrical Institute) tests.

What Topics Are Usually Included in Mechanical Aptitude Tests?

Mechanical aptitude tests deal with the most basic mechanical concepts, such as:

  • Force and torque
  • Fluids
  • Velocity problems
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electricity (concepts, circuits, etc.)
  • Gears
  • Wheels and pulleys


SHL Tests

There Are So Many SHL Tests! How Do I Pick Mine?

Indeed, SHL offers a very large collection of tests. However, most candidates get one of the 5 most popular tests offered by SHL:

  • General Ability (Verify G+)
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Deductive Reasoning

You can follow the clues in your test invitation to find out exactly which SHL test you will have.

What Does 'Verify' Mean?

SHL uses the name 'Verify' for their cognitive tests. Namely, all SHL tests assessing your thinking and problem-solving skills.

That name comes from SHL's tests' self-proclaimed ability to make sure that candidates' results are authentic and reflect their actual ability.

What Is the Difference Between 'Interactive' and 'Multiple Choice'?

SHL has recently introduced interactive versions for its most popular tests. These will require you to provide the correct answer through drag-and-drop, graph sketching, etc.

The traditional multiple-choice version is structured in the familiar multiple-choice format - one question with 4-5 possible answers, only one of which is correct.


The Thomas GIA Test


What Is the Difference Between the Thomas GIA and PPA?

The GIA (General Intelligence Assessment) is a cognitive test - namely, a test assessing your thinking and problem-solving skills.

The PPA test (Personal Profile Analysis) is a personality profiling test, assessing your personality traits and whether they are a good fit for the job.

The two tests are often taken together.

Are Points Reduced on the GIA Test for Wrong Answers?

Yes! The Thomas GIA is a very fast-paced test. To prevent a situation in which candidates guess a very large number of questions, points ARE reduced for wrong answers.

Will General Cognitive Ability Test Prep Help Me Prepare for the GIA Test?

Unfortunately not. Due to the GIA Test's unique formatting, similar to no other test, it is absolutely essential that you practice with question types as close as possible to the actual test.

Using general material to prepare is likely to improve your score very little, if at all.




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